Birth of an empire

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A/N: Cobra's Ssi Ruuvi campaign, this part of the story, takes place during the last months of the year 5 BBY.

         -at the main Cobra garrison-

''That's an amazing tale, captain.'' I remarked as Captain Kassus finished telling me of what he and the other lost troopers did. ''You led 10,000 troops to survive with enemies all around you. I'm very much impressed, Captain Kassus.''

''Thank you sir, but it's truly the men who did their best.'' Captain Kassus replied. ''As for the villagers, sir, I hope that you can give them new homes somewhere safe.''

''I will, captain. You have my word.'' I told him. ''From your story, I conclude that you and Tina Lykos have grown quite close, captain.''

''She's a brave girl if I do say so myself, sir.'' Captain Kassus said. ''She learns fast and I won't have survived if it weren't for her.''

''I'm glad to see that you are starting to form bonds with the others, captain.'' I said and I just got a new updated report.

''What is it, sir?''

''I had given the ssi ruuvi an ultimatum, Captain Kassus.'' I told the captain. ''A chance to accept Cobra's victory and give us territory. An offer it seems that they are refusing to accept.''

''We should just wipe them out, sir. No mercy to them.''

''On that, I'm agreeing with you, Captain Kassus. If it's annihlation that the ssi ruuvi want, it is one wish that I'll grant them.'' I said and stood up from my desk to look at the troops from the window. ''You said that you saw old, abandoned buildings did you, captain?''

''Yes, sir. When I spoke to the people of the planet, they only told me stories like how they're haunted places.'' the captain said. ''Cursed places of sin that the gods destroyed centuries ago.''

''Most fascinating indeed, captain.'' I remarked. ''Come. Walk with me, Captain Kassus. Let's inspect the troops.''

(a few minutes later)

''Tina, it's not that I don't believe you but, it's just so hard to believe that it's true.'' Uri Penta said regarding Tina's story. ''Who knew that Captain Rokossovsky of all people can be like that?''

''He's not so bad once you get to know him, big sister.'' Tina said. ''He's actually a lot nicer than he appears or is willing to admit. And he's only 23 years old.''

''23?'' Uri repeated and burst out laughing. The stern and stoic, no nonsense Captain Kassus K. Rokossovsky being only 23 years old sounded more like a joke. When she looked at Tina's face, she stopped laughing. ''You're serious, aren't you?''

''Yes. I'm very serious.''

''He's only 23 years old!?'' Uri Penta couldn't believe it. She thought Captain Kassus was in his mid 30s. This meant he was about 2-3 years older than the grand general and younger than herself.

''There's the captain with the grand general.'' Tym informed them. ''Think he told the grand general about you, Tina?'' he asked but the girl just went out to meet the captain. ''Welp. She just went out.''

''How you doin' girl?'' Captain Kassus asked as he put his hand on Tina's head.

''Do you have to call her 'girl', captain?'' I asked Captain Kassus.

''Easier than calling them by their actual names, sir.'' Captain Kassus answered but it was clear he grew fond of the girl.

''Captain Kassus.'' Uri Penta called the captain as she came out of the tent. ''Thank you, captain. For protecting my little sister while she was away. You have our gratitude.''

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