School life and imperial academy

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A/N: in the original, the mc becomes a sith in later chapters. Same for this so it might be boring to some readers who expected him to become a force user right away.

           -current year is 13 BBY-

Under aunt Dainah's orders (with uncle Kazzim's urging), I was to be part of my uncle's hunting team. Our prey, the qippoz. Owl like birds that can grow to be three meters big, these things were absolute menaces to society. And also bloody delicious when cooked with the right ingrediants. As uncle Kazzim and his crew were busy trying to gun down a wild qippoz, Raggal and I were busy stealing her eggs. Qippoz eggs being like, fifteen times bigger than a normal egg.

''Steady... steady, cousin.'' I told Raggal to be careful. Since neither of us were tall enough to reach the nest in the mountainside, we had to get on top of the other. In this case, me since I was lighter and taller than Raggal. ''Woooah, woah. Careful now. Almost got it.''

''I'm... trying, Sal.'' Raggal said in a low tone filled with his struggle and pain.

''Won't be long.'' I assured him and got the first of three eggs into my bag. Then the second and just as I was going to grab the third, there was a rattlesnake near the nest. ''AAAH!'' I slightly screamed and my sudden body movement made Raggal lose his balance. I fell and landed, sitting on a hard rock but luckily the eggs were fine.

''What happened?'' Raggal asked.

''Rattlesnake. The last eggs gone. At least we got two so it wasn't all a waste.'' I told Raggal.

''Let's just head back down.'' Raggal said and we started to move. As we continued however, Raggal made a slight slip and fell down, sliding the mountain like a sled to the ground. ''Brwaaaaaah!'' he screamed as he fell.

Then realization struck me as we both had ropes attached to each other so as to help the other in case of slips. Uncle Kazzim's idea and might as well be the start to an early grave. ''Brwah!'' I too followed Raggal and slipped down about twenty six meters to the ground. Luckily, we weren't skydiving and were just slipping down the mountain. That didn't mean we weren't going to not be hurt however. Raggal had bruises and some minor cuts while my butt felt like it was on fire. The eggs were fine as I put the bag on my front and not back.

Then, uncle Kazzim and his crew shot down the mad qippoz, which then proceeded to immediately crash into their speeder transport. The holonet crew they brought came to their side to film and uncle Kazzim got a tad bit angry. ''I'm gonna shove that camera up your-''

   -capital city of Nineveh, Akkadia-

''And then, me and Raggal just... slipped down and came to the ground.'' I told my aunt who had a good laugh at our misfortune. ''It's not funny!'' I protested at her laughing at my little humiliation.

''Sorry, nephew, but I can't help it. Qippoz hunting never really was easy even back when your father and I were kids. Your grandfather would often come back with many wounds in these hunts.'' she told me. ''Tell me, Sal, do you wish to join the empire?''

''Father didn't really approve much of it, aunt.''

''I'm not asking about your father's opinion, I'm asking about your's. Think of the prestige you can bring us when you become an officer of the empire, nephew. Our family will climb new heights when your name gets recognition. Think of the glory, the adventure and the honor. Going on missions to different star systems and so much more. If you want to, I can set you up to join an imperial academy.''

''I... think I'd like to join, aunt.'' I answered.

''Good. That's my nephew. You can join next year once your fit the age requirement. Only problem now is to know which academy you'll be attending. Should I choose Eriadu? No, too lazy. Coruscant royal academy, or perhaps Anaxes war college? Maybe the Sullust Sector Spacefarers Academy even.'' my aunt started muttering about which academy I am to join before leaving it for a later time. ''Ah whatever. There's lots of time to decide on. Until then, you'll be attending the scribal arts school here in Nineveh, nephew. I have arranged for some of Akkadia's best to teach you everything you need to know before you leave.''

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