Samovar campaign

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''I am now commander of the victory-2 class star destroyer, the Morning Star.'' I told my subordinates as they looked at the ship. ''This will serve as the HQ for my unit from now on. Prepare your bags. We will be moving into our new quarters soon.'' I ordered Gary, Kassus and Major Gren who nodded. They went to inform all troops under my command, two battalions and several companies, to move into the Morning Star.

As Major Gren was returning to the hangar, he was called by an old looking woman with white hair and jade green eyes. ''Excuse me, major. A word if you will.'' she said and the man stopped. ''My name is Culper, an aide to Moff Ghadi. You do know who Moff Ghadi is, don't you major?''

''I recognize the name.'' Major Gren replied.

''His excellency has a friend, a governor from an Inner Rim world, that requires a new head of his planetary garrison.'' Culper told the major. ''You fit every category wanted, not to mention being a battle hardened veteran. His excellency wishes to offer you a new position. It isn't a deskjob, I assure you major, if you are thinking about that.''

The offer had the major thinking hard. 'Being the head of a planetary garrison would be nice.' he thought to himself, fingers on his chin and making a 'hum' sound. 'I could be instantly promoted to the rank of a superior colonel, maybe even a major general but I don't know. I don't have the skills to effectively command and think strategies. Enticing but-'

''You seem oddly hesistant, major.'' miss Culper said, snapping the troop commander out of his thoughts. ''An assignment in the Inner Rim should be more than enough for most yet you seem hesitant. To be perfectly honest, the assignment is more than generous for simple soldiers.''

''What do you mean 'more than generous', miss Culper?'' Major Gren asked and it dawned upon him. ''I get it. This is about commander Covraii isn't it?''

''His excellency is not interested in Outer Rim commanders gaining a few medals and victories.'' she replied but from the tone, the major knew his suspicions were true.

''Soldiers often have had to deal with the stereotype of being idiotic grunts but that certainly isn't true. And it most certainly doesn't apply to me, miss Culper. I get it now. This assignment isn't regarding me, it's about the lieutenant colonel.'' Major Gren said and the woman knew it was useless lying. Those from the Core and Inner Rim always looked down upon humans from the Outer Rim and wildspace, even more so after the Clone Wars but the major held nothing but respect for his superior.

''Fine.'' the woman gave up lying. ''Some of the higher ups aren't exactly happy with the attention and prestige your Outer Rim friend is getting. Defying orders from his superiors all to show how smart he is and that he's the youngest commander in the imperial military. Not to mention the rising power and popularity of his aunt and partnership with Grand Moff Tarkin.''

'Well that cleared it all up.' Major Gren thought. The infamous animosity between Moff Ghadi and Grand Moff Tarkin and the usual hate shown towards Outer Rim humans by the Core-Inner Rim ones. ''Thanks for being honest with me, miss Culper, but I like my position just fine.'' the major told her.

''You will regret this, major.'' she threatened. ''One day, him and his entire family will go to ruin and drag those closest with them. Enjoy your position as a lowly army major. You'll be keeping it for a while.'' the woman then turned around and left.

The major too turned around, carrying his bags and walking back to the hangers. 'And to think I was being offered a position because of my talents and skills. Too much of wishful thinking I guess.' the major thought and cursed at the people who were decieving him. 'And least the lieutenant colonel is a good man to work with.'

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