A sith returns

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Amidst the visible roots of the damp forest, a small figure, no taller than a child, moved swiftly past the dark brown branches of the trees and leapt. His body was covered in sweat, from forehead till his feet;  he panted heavily and his legs hurt but he did not waver for a second. He kept running and running, without even taking a moment to look back and without much thought, he kept running. Did he have a destination? No. He was simply running to survive.

His outfit was deep red with light blue pants;  he had a chestpiece and shoulder pauldron made of bronze and on his belt were a miriad of tools. His hair was fairly trimmed but he had a pretty big beard and his brown boots seemed to make his feet grow in their weariness.

''I smellz him! He went overz there!'' a grotesque, sickly green colored humanoid with tusk like teeth told his mates as they made their pursuit.

''I seez him!'' announced another. ''Git that dwarf and gut him good.''

'Oh gold of Gaea below, why me!?' the dwarf asked, lamenting of his current situation as he continued running. Then, he suddenly saw a cave and ran inside, hoping to survive.

The cave was dark, full of nasty cobwebs and the skeletons of animals. Still, despite the horrific sight, the dwarf continued running. The cave seemed to be endless, with twists and turns every here and there. As he ran deeper, the structures seemed more like walls and made by someone. He took his twists and turns until he slipped and was sliding down the sides, which lead to another chamber. Without much thinking, he continued to run and run till he ran out of breath. He inhaled, wiped the sweat off his forehead and began to slowly explore the place. When he walked deeper, he saw what looked like a pool of acid and chains leading down.

''Whatever could this be? Please be some kind of weapon that can save me.'' He muttered in hope and he destroyed that which held the chains with his forging hammer. He began to pull and his hopes died as there was nothing but a very old skeleton. ''Just a skeleton!? Oh come on.''

''There he iz!'' the voice of the hunting party's leader alarmed him greatly and filled him with fear. ''Now, we get to killz ya, stinkin' dwarf.''

''Uh... can't we negotiate here, my orcish guys?'' the dwarf tried to barter for his life. ''I can make you something good. You won't find another dwarf as good as me.''

''What'cha say, boss-o?'' a second orc asked.

''Nah. Our spikes could use more dwarf heads.'' the leader said and the orcs moved in to kill the dwarf. ''Hrrr... uargh!''

Suddenly, the orcs felt themselves being choked and they were lifted up two feet from the ground. They saw the skeleton stand up, hands outstretched and on him was a shroud of darkness gathering like a cloak. The orcs screamed as their bodies burned in fire and their ashes blew away. The ashes came to the standing skeleton, acting like a skin of sorts and it walked away.

The dwarf simply stared, unblinking at what had just occured. He was terrified, yes, but he was saved nontheless. He then collapsed in his exhausted state.

I had risen once more. How much time must have elapsed since that day? Days, weeks, months, years, centuries perhaps? Right now, I can think of that at a later time for now, I need to compensate for the flesh that was burned away.

My bones did not feel good. Must be a side affect of the pool of acid in which those traitors put me in. And this orc skin-- urgh! Disgusting! Utterly disgusting. Temporary or not, this was the probably one of the most disgusting things that happened to me as of late.

I heard laughter and the crackling of a fire. I had no eyes but I did not need them, for I could see via the force. My 'force sight' was blurry and I could see my surroundings only as mists taking form. It was vague but I could know what species they belonged to and these were humans. I walked upto them, closer and closer, as they ate and drank. There were four of them and it was enough for me.

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