Cobra business

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      -Khorsabad, Nineveh, Akkadia-

''Every complaint that I recieve... every message, every fine that comes to my holo-phone... sigh... why does it always have to be you three?'' I asked and the three in question were none other than the trio of Vilem Kyse, Hans and Gunther. A day after my coronoation and almost immediately, I had to deal with their shenanigans. ''Come on, guys. We're 18 now. I'm king of Akkadia, an imperial army general and sector moff. Kyse, you are among the empire's best pilots. Hans and Gunther, you're my pilots. Really guys.''

''We're sorry, sir. I keep telling them but you know how they are.'' Kyse said, in a way saying he was kinda blameless in this whole ordeal which no doubt ticked off Hans and Gunther.

''Oh zats rich coming from you, mister flying, bald sparrow.'' retorted Gunther. ''You vwere the one to suggest ve check the mausoleum.''

''Yeah.'' Hans supported Gunther.

''Guys, guys, guys.'' I called for their attention. ''I am not blaming one of you. I am blaming all of you. I had to pay 4,500 more credits because of you guys. Please, just control yourselves. You can go.'' I said, dismissing them and once they left, I sat down and gave a heavy sigh. 'Fuck this shit;  they're turning my life into a train gone off course.'

''Sir, you okay?'' asked Captain Kassus.

''Yes, captain. I'm fine. Did you and Admiral Conrad prepare the troops and ships to leave as I told you to?'' I asked.

''We did, sir. We'll be ready to leave within the hour.''


''Why wouldn't you be coming with us, sir?''

''Take a guess, captain, and tell me why you think I'm not coming with you guys.''

''You need to stay to consolidate your power over the planet and the people.'' Captain Kassus said and I nodded my head as a way of saying, 'you're right'. The captain continued further, saying, ''And along with other stuff, sir. I can understand if you want to stay here and grieve for your aunt when we are away.''

''Do not think that because I am silent or working, I am not mourning my aunt, captain.'' I said to the captain, my mind not really thinking clearly. ''I have work and responsibility that comes with my ranks. If I outright mourn for her, shed a tear or so, the higher elites will take it as a sign of weakness. But then, the people will think that I am nothing but a heartless monster.''

''I was not thinking of any of them, sir.'' the captain told me and I sensed no ounce of deception in him. ''You are neither weak or a heartless monster. I am sorry if my words made you think otherwise.''

''No. I should apologize.'' I replied. ''I misheard you... or rather, I thought of your words in a wrong way. Everything is so stressful nowadays, captain. The war, the rebellion, my coronation and rise in rank... then there's the question of my wedding.''

''Wedding? Sir, you're... getting married?'' the captain could not believe what he heard. ''When and to whom, sir?''

''When is a matter of talk for a later time, captain. As for whom, you already met them. Kore and Myranda. We'll get wed soon, hopefully.'' I told the captain and deep down, he feared for his superior commanding officer due to the dominatrix like personality that Myranda Blûdwyne had.

''I wish you luck then, sir.''

''What's that suppose to mean?'' I quietly asked. The captain's tone was strange. Like he was happy and yet fearful. Fearful of what exactly I do not know.

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