Cobra business part 4

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A/N: information regarding Cobra's vastator class star destroyer and sovereign class star dreadnought.

Ship: vastaror class star destroyer
Length: 9,700 meters
Width: 2,650 meters
Height: 900 meters
No. of engines: five KDY engines and sixteen sublight thrusters
Crew: 15,000;  with a division worth of troopers as well as other personnel
Armament: 2,500 heavy turbolaser turrets, 2,000 medium turbolaser batteries, 2,000 ion cannons, 1,700 missile launcher turrets, 1,000 ventral projectile cannons, 1,000 sith alchemical projectile shooter turrets, 900 point defense cannons and about a hundred phasers. Also includes one axial superlaser for taking out planetary shields or space stations.
Starfighter compliment: 4,050;  3,400 tie annihlators with the rest being gunships.
Can carry: two pre-fabricated garrisons as well as an entire company of vehicles.

Vastaror class star destroyer looks like the bellator class. Only, take out the ISD style tower then take a FO resurgence class, split it in two and put it over the bellator class. And add about four side hangers and one big hanger in the bottom.

Ship: sovereign class
Type: star dreadnought
Length: 29,700 meters
Width: 6,000 meters
Height: 1,400 meters
No. of engines: 8 KDY engines and 24 sublight thrusters
Crew: 26,000;  additional personnel include two to three divisions of troopers
Armament: 10,000 heavy turbolasers, 10,000 medium turbolasers, 8,000 ion cannons, 7,800 missile launchers, 6,000 ventral missile turrets, 5,000 sith alchemical projectile shooters, 2,000 point defense cannons and five hundred phasers.
Starfighter compliment: 13,050;  10,000 tie annihlators with others being gunships and other craft.
Can carry: six pre-fabricated garrisons and a battalion and company worth of vehicles.

Sovereign class dreadnought

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Sovereign class dreadnought.

   -sith world of Jaguada, sith space-

''Lord Salazar.'' The hologram of my sith second-in-command, Roxanna, came online aboard my corvette. ''I hope the journey wasn't inconvienent for you.''

''I needed a break from these meetings anyways, Roxanna.'' I replied. ''Did you make sure any personnel besides force sensitives are far from Jaguada?'' I asked her.

''Of course, my lord.'' Roxanna answered. ''The coffin is on Jaguada, surrounded and guarded by a pair of marauders. I await you on the surface, my lord.''

''Will come.'' I said and my corvette flew down to Jaguada's surface. It landed and Roxanna's hologram came online again. ''Care to do the honors, Roxanna?''

''You're too kind, my lord.'' Roxanna turned off her comms and sent a small stream of her crimson force lightning at the coffin. Within a moment, the jedi Celeste Morne was awake.

'Is that... light?' were the jedi's first thoughts after more than a thousand years of hibernation. 'It is! But that means-' she was now fearful knowing what it meant. She was free and with it, the rakghoul plague and the power to command it.

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