Victory in Samovar

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A/N: in the original, I used both Byss and Exegol. In this version, the two planets are essentially combined. It will be called Exegol (as I personally think it's cooler) but will be more of Byss and in the Deep Core region but with man-made hyperspace routes to the Unknown Regions via powerful interdiction field generators.

Also, the Sith Eternal is a separate sith sect from Darth Bane's rule of two and I will detail their history in later chapters.

       -Samovar imperial garrison-

''Hang on. We're almost there.'' Gary told me as I was being transported to the imperial garrison at the center of Kemosh City. After sustaining major injuries, I had to be taken to medical attention. The medics tried their best and I needed a respirator to breathe. I was onboard an ITT and it went straight to the imperial garrison. ''Make way. Make way. Move!'' Gary shouted and I was taken to the medical wing where the medic droids and doctors attented to me.


''What was that?'' Gary asked as an explosion seemingly occurred. Major Gren and Captain Kassus had just entered the room to check in on me. ''What was the explosion just now, major sir?''

''Droid artillery.'' answered Major Gren. ''Those clankers are attempting to strike us down but we had the shields repaired and defenses up and running.'' he explained further and then looked at my current situation. ''What happened to the lieutenant colonel?''

''A rogue jedi.'' Kyse answered as he too was in the room. ''A survivor of order 66 no doubt. He reactivated and reprogrammed the droids and staged this uprising. He's responsible for the lieutenant colonel getting a scar on his left cheek. Damned jedi.'' Kyse cursed at his inability to do more during the confrontation. ''Question now is: where is he hiding and if he is working with the other leaders of this Western Reaches second droid rebellion.''

''Other leaders? You mean they aren't a truly unified front?'' Captain Kassus asked.

It was Major Gren who answered this question. ''Not truly. It's suspected that they might have some level coordination but to what extent, if any, is currently unknown.'' he said. ''A former Geonosian worker by the name of Gizor Dellso is the one leading the Mustafar front. Rattatak is a joint effort by insurgents and the planet's senator and now, we learn that Samovar is led by a rogue jedi.'' Major Gren then made his firm decision. ''Inform the higher ups of our current situation and of the jedi. They'll be sure to send in an inquisitor. As for the lieutenant colonel... prepare to send him off-world to get immediate medical attention-'' but before the major said any further, I stopped him.

''No, major. Bring the medical equipment here at the garrison.'' I ordered him. Major Gren, Gary, Captain Kassus and Kyse were shocked at my decision.

''But sir- you need immediate-'' Captain Kassus tried protesting but my decision was firm.

''I will lead this war and win it like I did Mimban.'' I told them. They looked at me and saw a fire in my eyes, a fire of determination and fury. ''Give me a skematic of the wider terrain, of all the battlefronts and keep comm links open. I want regular updates of every current situation from the sargents, lieutenants, captains and from you, major. I will direct the defense and offense of war and win it.''

''Very well, sir. Contact the Morning Star and prepare for the medical wing to be updated. Have bacta tanks ready in case the lieutenant colonel will need them. You have your orders. Move now.'' Major Gren told them and all troops moved out.

I was given skematics of Kemosh City as well as several medium sized towns and small villages. As the doctors and medic droids treated my wounds, I organized the defense of the city and it's areas. A bacta tank was brought in and on doctor's orders, I took a bacta bath for my burns to heal. I was regularly updated on the progress of the battles and I decided which places to fortify, which fronts to abandon and which to attack. With the few troops I had when compared the overwhelming number of droids, I had to be smart and resourceful. I was kept in a bacta tank for five days, during which time my tactics and thinking won for the imperial army, nineteen battles. With the space battle over Samovar and the one in Kemosh City, it was twenty one battles.

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