Uprisings on Onderon and Kamino

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A/N: the current year when the events are taking place is 7 BBY.

    -Khorsabad, Nineveh, Akkadia-

In the moff's office room at her palace of Khorsabad, she had a meeting with Baron Erebus Nyx and Countess Hestia Blûdwyne. They were planning forward on what to do and how best to capitalize on the people's feelings regarding the Nippur attack. An attack orchestrated by none other than the moff herself.

''I hear that a niece of your's, a former priestess from the Society of Nabu, had come home.'' stated the baron. ''You must be happy to have your family whole.''

''Very much, Baron Nyx.'' Dainah Covraii replied. ''She's a wonderful girl, my niece Rachael. She'll have to be taught many things though and I'll teach her.''

''House Camberlayne, I hear, is six million credits in debt. What in all hell would they need the money for?'' the baron asked. ''You could very well hire an army of mercenaries with this much money. Whatever the case, it won't be good. I can have my agents get to the bottom of this if you want.''

''Thank you, lord baron. You are a true friend.''

''Where's your nephew anyways, Dainah?'' asked Countess Hestia. She was curious to know where her partner's nephew was at the moment.

''On Onderon. The planet has been rebelling recently. They've even managed to take control of the garrison there.'' Dainah answered.

''This is the planet that produced the likes of Saw Gerrera so it's not surprising.'' Countess Hestia remarked. ''Guess rebellion is in all of their blood. Has your nephew agreed, Dainah? To the marriage proposal?''

''Yes, he did. I'm certain that you're happy to hear this.''

''Then it's good to say that Myranda will be his problem from now on.'' the countess said and both she and Dainah Covraii chuckled. ''Make sure you control them, Dainah. I'm still young and I'd hate to have grandchildren early.''

''Where are your daughters, Baron Nyx and Countess Blûdwyne? I was certain that they were here.'' Dainah asked.

The baron answered her, saying, ''They felt it would be best if they get acquainted with your older niece, become friends. Afterall, they are going to become sisters in law.''

(library at Khorsabad palace)

Rachael Covraii got along well and almost immediately with Kore Nyx and Myranda Blûdwyne. The two women making friends with the older sister of their soon to be husband and getting to know her better. Maybe this would go better than I imagined, was Rachael's thought as she talked with Kore and Myranda.

''And Sal, at least according to his own record, threw a grenade which his friend used to blow up a river serpent.'' Kore told Rachael, recounting that day in Larsa about two years back. ''It was after he negotiated with the Makluans of Mizraim and he had just came home from Samovar.''

''Must be a terrifying sight.'' Rachael said. ''I always heard of how big and scary the river serpents can be but I've never seen one in person before.''

''They're a nuisance above others.'' Myranda said, expressing her disdain for the river serpents. ''Interrupting fishing and trade, killing good workers.''

''All these troubles popping up.'' muttered Kore Nyx. ''Naboo, Geonosis and now Onderon. Sal probably has gone to crush it. And then there's the attack on Nippur. The criminal underworld is becoming quite bold. All these... interrupting the day when we'll get to Sal, Myranda.''

''What do you think of my brother, miss Nyx?'' Rachael asked.

''He's smart, cunning, a brilliant strategist, cold to his enemies but kind to the ones he cares about.'' Kore answered. ''He's not the best at politics nor the best at business and financing but he's unrivaled with his military thinking. He's ruthless to his enemies but come on; we're all Akkadians. But he's a kind man to his friends and loved ones.'' Kore took a deep breath before talking again. ''After the wedding, we might have to call you sister from then on.''

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