The dead that walk

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-Stellar Fang, Primrose's ship-

The home and ship for the bounty hunter team Primrose was a heavily modified YT-1700 Corellian freighter. The team leader was a human woman named Uri Penta, a former stormtrooper captain. Their pilot was Tymotheé Cardavos, a former tie fighter pilot. The tank of their team was Hadad who had been turned into a cyborg heavy unit, a 'tank' of sorts, by the Nerican and their youngest member was a girl named Tina. Inanna Lucens and Hadad were Akkadians from Larsa who, unknown to the others, survived and long story short, they're now bounty hunters. Inanna was telling her teammates of her reunion with an old friend who just so happened to be the one who foiled their mission.

''I can't believe what I'm hearing.'' Hadad muttered. ''Salazar. The same little squirt from Larsa? Him!? Man. The universe sure likes to take a turn from expectations. I guess we humans are all weird.''

''I told you guys to read the news.'' Uri Penta told her crew. ''Colonel Salazar Covraii of Akkadia. Graduated at age 16 from Ouroboros Army Officer Corps academy, one of the youngest imperial officers ever. Before that, there was a nasty incident involving smugglers on Ruusan which he's credited with saving several imperial cadets and officers. Then, he won the wars in Mimban and Samovar and weeks prior, took down Iron Liana. He's only about a few army commanders, less than a dozen, to earn the 'Hero of the Galactic Empire' award and he has earned other honors as well. He has powerful friends in politics like Senator Chuchi of Pantora, Moff Ardus Kaine of the Braxant Sector and the ruthless Grand Moff Tarkin. Your old friend is the stuff of legends, Inanna.''

''So he's a big deal. We get it, Uri.'' Tymotheé or Tym said in a casual, non-caring tone.

''Is he your boyfriend then, big sister?'' Tina asked, making Inanna blush.

''What!? No!'' Inanna replied. ''It's too soon for something like that. Besides, Salazar is an imperial. I'm a bounty hunter, Tina. A relationship like that would be frowned upon by all parties.''

''Not me, big sis. I'll support you no matter what.'' she responded with a cheeky smile and raised fist. Due to unethical Nerican experiments, the girl's mentality could not mature past a ten year old. ''And if he's unhappy with you, I'll be sure to give him a taste of my needles.'' And yes, she's an assassin in training.

''Oh, Tina. You're the best younger sister anyone could ask for. Don't worry about Sal. He may be an imperial but he's a kind man. I know it. He offered to double Suppi's pay for us.'' Inanna told her friends. ''Speaking of, here is the money, Uri.''

''He didn't just double it, Inanna. He apparently gave us a bonus. 370k credits.'' Uri said outloud and Tym whistled impressed.

''That much, Uri? He's loaded big time. We can finally get the repairs and updates needed for the Stellar Fang once we ride back to Nar Shaddaa.'' Tym told the entire crew.

''Yeah. I forgot to say that his aunt is Dainah Covraii, one of the fifteen wealthiest people in the entire galaxy.'' Uri muttered. ''Guess he's not so bad afterall.''

''Sal won't be anything like your former commander, Zsinj, Uri.'' Inanna told her friend, firm in her belief. ''Or Natasi Daala before you got transferred for the man.''

''I'll take your word for it, Inanna. But you know the brutality associated with your people. I'm not saying he's a bad man. Just that his methods and ruthlessness are the stuff of controversy.'' Uri replied to her friend and got to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Inanna leaned back in her chair as the other members went about doing their own things. ''Sal, I wonder what are you currently doing right now.''

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