The pirate war part 2

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A/N: I wish you all a very merry Christmas and hope that your new year is filled with joy. Though we may encounter hardships in our life, remember to stay strong and keep hope burning in our hearts.


-pirate space station, remote space-

''About time.'' A pirate guard muttered as he came out to the hangar. A pirate transport ship escorted by several 'ugly' starfighters landed and out came their prisoner. ''Welcome aboard the King Menos Wrath, Cobra Commander.'' He said, taunting the captured leader of the Cobra Corps. ''To think that Cobra Commander was an actual person. Guess I owe 'Mew a 50.''

''Anything else of value that was found?'' another pirate asked.

''Nothin' of the sort.'' a pirate soldier replied. ''Must've been pretty confident that no one could trace him. No guards, droid or viper. Just there all alone. Though we found several boxes that are locked and encrypted. I reckon it must be valuable.''

''Take 'em to the treasury. For someone who leads a private military like the Cobra Corps, their commander sure is cocky.'' The pirate leader mused. ''Welcome to my station, Cobra Commander. You already know me so no need for introductions. Whatever your organization will do once they know you're in our custody.''

''You will find Cobra to be harder to break than this.'' Cobra Commander responded.

''Arrogant and proud, I see.'' The pirate lord remarked. ''Remove the helmet. Let's see how the infamous Cobra Commander looks like underneath all that black.'' He ordered and his men removed the Cobra helmet. Rather than the face of a man, they saw the face of a white haired woman.

Seeing their surprised faces, the woman couldn't help but ask, "Why the faces? Disappointed you didn't get the real Cobra Commander?''

''I thought Cobra Commander was a woman posing as a man for a moment. But you had to drop the bomb. So, your leader so scared that he sent you here instead?'' The pirate leader tauntingly asked. ''Wonder how much Cobra Commander will pay to release you.''

''Cobra does not negotiate with it's enemies. It annihlates them, utterly and completely.'' The woman responded back.

''I wouldn't mind taking her as my own property after this. Take her to the brig.'' The pirate leader ordered. Little did he know, the white haired woman was a sith cyborg and she tipped off their location to the rest of Cobra.

(15 minutes later)

Cobra forces had recieved the signal and were already on route. Within a few moments, they would soon arrive where the pirate lord's forces were gathering. A task force consisting of six harrower battlecruisers and twelve frigates would attack and wipe out the pirate lord's forces.

The white haired sith cyborg, who's given name was Thalia, knew her time to act was now. A thermal detonator hidden inside her cyborg body came out and she made the cell explode. A metallic tentacle arm came out of her back and she grabbed a pirate's head. She then smashed him on the security cameras and used his body as a meat shield. The pirate's corpse was thrown and she surged forward, killing the other pirates with her built in blades and blasters. The halls of the brig was painted with blood and decorated in their organs. Thalia opened a hatch and used it to enter different locations on the pirate station via the ventilation shaft.

She made it to the treasury and got her lightsabers back. The box was filled with explosives and she took them all. She planted a bomb in several key places like the armory and fuel cells. She then proceeded to move onto her main objective: the power control room.

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