The Umbara Campaign

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      -Khorsabad, Nineveh, Akkadia-

''Where are you!?'' the head of the Akkadian noble house of Camberlayne demanded as he strolled into the great halls of Khorsabad. ''Dainah Covraii, where is she?'' he asked in a loud tone. However, the one to meet him was not my aunt, but me.

''I'm afraid my aunt is quite busy at the moment.'' I told the man. ''Lucky that you saved me the trouble of having to come to your place. We can talk here and discuss.''

''I have no time to talk with you. I came here to speak to your aunt. Where is Dainah?''

''You have a lot of nerve demanding my aunt's presence in her own no less.'' I said in a subtle but cold, angry tone. ''I am here to talk to you as my aunt is busy. It's about your family's debt to my aunt. It's been quite a long time and the interest rate is... getting higher.''

''I said I came here to talk to your aunt, not you, young man. Step aside and let the grown ups talk.''

I snapped my fingers and within a moment, two of my sith vanguard wraiths came. They held the man's two youngest children and in the room entered a squad of my shadow troopers. ''By order of Moff Dainah Covraii, my aunt: negotiate or they die. Your choice.'' I told him and he was forced to pay his debts to my family.

(Dainah Covraii's office)

''You have a lot of nerve barging into my palace and demanding that I give you my dear niece.'' the moff addressed the gathered faith militant representatives. One of them, a member of the very last remnants of the Society of Nabu. ''Your request... is denied.''

''But my lady, you can't!'' the representative for the Society of Nabu protested. ''The old tradition... they must not be changed. The noble houses have all agreed that-''

''Excuses, excuses.'' Dainah Covraii replied in a voice as deadly as potent venom. ''Trying to undermine my authority and take away my family... that's what all of you are doing!'' she nearly shouted. As her power grew and work increased, Dainah Covraii's mental health started to decline a bit. She was more prone to frequent bursts of anger now. ''Don't think that you are safe in these walls, you little shameless whore. This is not your sanctuary. You lost it. All I need to do is snap my fingers and my men will come in here and bash you till your skins tear off.''

''Aunt.'' her niece, Rachael Covraii, whispered. ''Please. Calm down.''

''If I tell them to stop.'' Dainah continued;  ignoring her niece's plea. ''Oh, how most amazing it'd be to see you three, all whipped and humiliated and paraded through the streets of Nineveh in your shame. Oh yes;  very much like those 'naked walk of shame' thing you have for your 'heretics'. And the support of the noble houses. Bah! Who here in all of Akkadia has the support of the army and people? Me! And it's high time you freaks learn that fact.''

''You should know speaking in that tone to the servants of the gods is not a good thing, lady Dainah.'' a zealot from another cult reprimanded the moff. ''It's not good for women or men and-'' before he could continue any further, Dainah waved her hand slightly and in an instant, a sith vanguard wraith killed the man.

The splattered blood and display of intimidation freightened the other representatives from speaking out any further. ''Get out, all of you, and never return or else... I will make you beg for death.'' Dainah Covraii threatened them and they quickly left. ''As if I'll ever sell out my nephew or niece. You suffered long enough, my dear niece, and as long I and your brother are here, no one will harm you.''

''I know, aunt. I'm... very grateful for it. I pray everyday that the gods reward you with good health for it.''

Dainah Covraii wasn't a very religious woman herself but she decided not to speak out in a manner that might make her niece hold a grudge against her. ''Come. Let's continue your lessons again. It's very important for me, our family and the business that you learn as much as possible within a short time.''

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