A visit to Larsa

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A/N: just wanna re-clarify, Exegol and Byss (from the Dark Empire series) will be combined for this fic. It will be Exegol in name but the planet is Byss and located in the Deep Core.

Sith Eternal ranks and hierarchy based on power:
Supreme leader
Basic trooper

And the lowest of them, the slaves who work and build for the sith and look at them like deities.

''Aren't you adorable.'' Prisca said as she leaned in to get a good look at the wolf pup. The pup was drinking his bowl of warm milk and was put atop a table in the control room of the barge. ''What's his name, Sal?'' she asked.

''I think... Fenrir. I think that's a good name, Prisca.'' I replied. The pup barked as if in full agreement with his name. ''How'd you take the hunt, Prisca? Enjoyed it?''

''I... quite liked it, to be honest.'' she admitted. ''Though me and my family were never the military or hunting type.''

''I never did get to ask about your family, Prisca. How are they?''

''They're fine. My father, Everett Roth, is a wealthy business magnate on Chandrila. There's my mother Rebekah. She's a nice woman, Sal. And my sisters, Tamar and Abigail.''

''Are you the eldest in your family, Prisca?'' I asked.

''No. Tamar is my older sister and Abigail is my younger. I'm the middle child, Sal.'' she replied with a slight chuckle. ''Mom and dad have been growing quite concerned as of late.''

''Does it have to do with your planet's tradition, Prisca?'' I asked. Chandrila had a marriage tradition where children were to be married at age 14. Prisca was currently 16 years old, almost 17 actually like me. I was a bit concerned regarding her friend as she held a very special place in my heart. ''Sorry. I shouldn't have asked. It's not my business and I don't have any right to take part in your family's affairs.''

''It's okay, Sal. I understand that you were just curious.''

''If you ever do need help, Prisca, I'm always here. You can count on me.'' I reassured her.

''Thank you, Sal.'' she gave me her gratitude and a trooper burst into the room.

''I'm sorry sir to disturb you sir but it seems that we ran into some trouble.'' the trooper told me and I quickly got out of the chair to check in on the problem. Prisca followed suit and we headed to the deck of the barge.

''What's the problem?'' I asked as I arrived at the deck.

''I think we hit some sort of a reef or large rock sir.'' one of the troopers answered me. ''The ship is damaged and one of the engines is in need of repairs.''

''Reef or rock?'' I asked in confusion. ''But reefs can't thrive in fresh water and the river this far can't be low enough for... ah shit.'' I cursed as realization came to me.

''What's wrong, Sal?'' Prisca asked me. ''Is it bad?''

''Ninghiszida.'' I replied. ''I'm afraid we woke up a slumbering river serpent, Prisca. All hands, to your battle stations!'' I shouted and all troops, both imperial and A.D.F, got their blasters ready. Raggal on the other hand, due to his extreme fear of snakes, retreated to the decks of the barge. And within seconds, a big, pale river serpent did indeed pop up out of the water.

'First spices, lizard people, a planet filled with dangerous wildlife, orbaks, an elephant beast and now a giant snake. This star system hates me.' Captain Gary Strave thought to himself. 'Just... why?'

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