[05] A genius chicken

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Jyp Int. School
Art class

↪Hyunjin's pov↩

        "Things are not working out between us," After staying quiet for a while, I finally spoke up, an anxious feeling took over me as I rubbed my nape awkwardly.

To be honest, I had no idea why I'm so nervous about what her reply might be. I just think that its completely useless working together, ignoring the fact that it has only been a day.

Ryujin looked away from her easel, her hand paused midway, the stroke of her paintbrush almost toughing the canvass where various colors smeared in attempt to create art.

Her blank gaze pried on me, making the silence even less enduring.

why isn't she speaking? It doesn't matter, she's gonna beg me to stay, obvio

My train of thoughts halted when I heard Ryujin laugh. Perplexed, I looked at the female who was trying to suppress her titters by pursing her lips.

I was totally vagued by this. I've thought many thing about her but definitely not crazy. What's so. . . "Oh?" Realization hit me on the face, making me to chuckle sheepishly. "I made it sound like we're breaking up, huh?"

"Pretty much," Ryujin retorted, exhaling to calm herself down. "But I mean sure? If that's what you like."

"Sweet!" I nodded.

Although that's what I wanted to hear, but it sounded off. Why would she quit working with the Hwang? That's a position half the population of Korea wants. Welp, her loss.

I shrugged nonchalantly. I stole one last glance of Ryujin who was now painting and then the door. "Uh, see you around?"

"Yeah, later Hwang!"

★ . . . . . ★

"ARE YOU CRAZY!?" Felix stormed out of the kitchen, a furious look on his face, one that totally contradict his fluffy pastel pink sweater and cat apron around his waist.

He gripped the plastic spatula tighter, and crossed his arms. "AN ANSWER WOULD BE NICE!"

"Bro, stop yelling," I used my beanie to hide my ears, groaning loudly as I toiled on the couch. Kkami also whined, running away from where he stood. Imagine yelling with that deep ass voice.

"I quit working with Ryujin, it wasn't working."

"Listen to your Dumbass, its only been a day!" The blonde was fuming now. He walked over to me and whacked my head with the utensil. "You finally found someone who doesn't freak out around you and then what did you do?" He hit me again and several more times until I lost count.

"Yongbok, stop it!" I tried swatting his hand away but to no avail. Kkami barked and then left, that traitorous dog. "I'm freaking out, okay?"

At my words, the chicken withheld his attacks, staring at me with a muddled expression. "Fre..freaking out? Please do tell."

"I hate you."

"No, you love me and my cooking."

I opened my mouth to speak but quickly shut it, cause only one of those was correct.

"I'm freaking out because I don't know what she's thinking," Felix still looked befuddled, scratching his head as he waited for me to continue. "She's unpredictable as heck, making me anxious about my next move, I'm not relaxed, I'm scared that she might jump on me any second but she doesn't, prolonging my suffering."

"Wow, that's a major skill issue!"

"Shut the fuck up!" Felix tittered, dodging the cushion I threw at him.

"She's not gonna jump on you," He assured. "I know Ryujin, she pays no attention to males."

I irked a brow, surprised by the newly obtained information. "She swings that way?"

"No!" Felix whacked my head. "Allow me to rephrase myself, she pays no attention to humans. She's in her own little bubble."

"So what do I do now?"

"Get back with her."

"We're not dating!"

"Sweep her off her feet," Felix ignored me and continued to blab. "Give her a rose, look at your old paintings it might help, go to a beach, go to outer space, go to-"

"Felix shush," the said boy froze. "What did you say?"

"Go to outer space?"

"No, before that!"

"Sweep her off her feet?"

"No, after that!"

"Look at your old paintings?"

"Yes, you're a genius!" I tackled the blonde and ruffled his soft puffy hair.

"I know, I got it for my birthday!"

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- its not that hard
- what??

Anyways hi, how are you?
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