[13] This loser finally got a girlfriend?

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District 8, Seoul

↪Third person pov↩

"Why are you up so early?" Hyunjin asked, scratching his head as he walked into the kitchen sleepily, his voice still hoarse from waking up a while ago.

"Well good morning to you too," Felix smiled, pushing a cup of coffee towards the taller. He took his and blew on it.

"Thanks," Hyunjin mumbled, looking at the liquid content in the cup.

"I have plans!" He retorted to his earlier question, taking a sip from his cup. He paused and spoke. "With Ji," a shy smile appeared on the younger's lips.

He left the kitchen behind, and Hyunjin now registered that he was fully dressed and wore a bucket hat and everything.

"Squirrel?" Hyunjin asked and Felix nodded. "Well, tell him I said 'fuck you' yeah?"

"Why?" Felix pouted.

Hyunjin scoffed, refusing to get into details.

Felix was about to speak when he heard the doorbell rung. "Oh, he's here!" His smile managed to grow wider. He slipped into his jacket and ran to the door.

Hyunjin grimaced at just the mention of the quokka's name. He frowned when Felix's words registered in his head.

"He? That squirrel is here?" Hyunjin asked, bemused as he trailed behind the blonde.

Felix flung the door open, where the squirrel boy stood, he wore a black shirt and jeans- with chains dangling on it- he had a pair of black combat boots on, and his hand where chain bracelets drooped held a skateboard and a black baseball cap covering his dirty blonde hair.

"Lix!" The shorter grinned, engulfing him in a hug. His smile faded when he saw Hyunjin scrawling at him. "Fuck you, Hwang!"

"Fuck you, Han!"

"Wow, what a way to say hi," the Australian rolled his eyes, he crossed his arms and spoke. "I'm gonna leave early to avoid any fight between you two, try not to miss me too much."

"Pfft," Hyunjin scoffed, finally looking away from Jisung who, as expected, was also glaring daggers at him. "I'm going out with Ryu."

"Fuck is Ryu?" Jisung budded in. "Your new dog?"

Felix laughed loudly, placing a hand on Jisung's shoulder. "Ryu is a girl."

"The fuck? This loser finally got a girl friend?"

"As if, he still gets very nervous around her, he blushes like crazy at anything she says," The blonde informed, between wheeze, Jisung joining in. "Bonus point: she teases the heck out of him."

"Felix, shut the fuck up, traitor!" Hyunjin bellowed, looking away from them, his cheeks burning red from embarrassment.

Jisung finally calmed down, taking deep breaths and a sly grin on his lips. "Fucking nerd!"

Hyunjin glared at him, before stomping upstairs, too flustered to say a word.

He ignored all the comment Jisung and Felix were throwing around, their laughing and cooing. "See ya later, man!" Jisung called, but he ignored that too.

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