[27] Emergency meeting

553 31 30

District 8, Seoul

↪Third person pov↩

       "I fucking kissed her Felix, and I love it!"

Hyunjin was literally beaming, he kneeled on the younger's bed, his arms hung loosely around his shoulders, and his chin on the crook of the blonde's neck, his eyes glistened with glee and his cheeks flared red. The brunette's rapid heartbeats thumped against Felix's back and his ragged breaths tickled his neck.

"I leave for one second and you guys kissed," Felix shook his head. "Kids these days."

"Shut the fuck you!" Hyunjin tried scrawling, but that lovestruck grin never faltered. He fell onto the bed, his arms spread apart, allowing him to bask in the bliss that flowed through his body.

"So. . .?" Felix trailed off, turning to his Hyung, a strange grin on his face and his brows arched downwards. "What happened after?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"I literally helped your ass, of course I need details," Felix jumped on the bed, right next to the taller, who flinched at the sudden destruction of space between them.

Tentatively, Hyunjin glanced at him, grunting when he saw the glint in the blonde's eyes. Well damn, he wasn't gonna leave him alone anytime soon.

"She hid her face cause she was flustered."

"In her hands?" Oh Felix meant business when he said 'details' his eyes pried the older and Hyunjin soon gave in, heaving out a defeated sigh. He could already feel his cheeks burning but tried to play it down by biting his lower lip.

"Uh. . .well, she um, hid her face in, um, my. . ."

"If you 'um' one more time, I'll fucking invite Jisung over," Felix grew tired of Hyunjin's nervous antics. He whipped out his phone and pointed it at the brown haired. "I'll do it, just a click and bam! A squirrel at our doorstep."

"No, don't," Hyunjin yelped, looking away from the screen that displayed that one number he didn't want to see. He sucked in a deep breath to appear calmer. "She pulled me closer and buried her face in my shirt."

"Like leaning on your chest?" Felix couldn't function properly, he literally stood on his bed, squealing like an excited child. "Oh my fuck Hyunjin," Hyunjin nodded frantically, sharing the same grin as Felix. "Continue  continue," he waved his hands dismissively.

"Uh, well she practically didn't show her face again, I had to wear her my beanie, so it'd serve as cover," The brown haired, grin switched to a soft smile, but Felix still had that prying gaze and he knew he still had some spilling to do.

"And people in the café starting cooing, and whistling and that's when a waiter accidentally dropped someone's coffee, slipped on it and fell in front of us."

Felix's expression totally dropped, but quickly resurfaced and this time was him trying not to laugh. "That's. . .so, romantic," he wheezed out, his face now red from all the cackling.

"Ryu and I or the waiter's fall?"

★ . . . . . ★

      "Hey Ryu, I came as quickly as I cou-"

Jeongin was cut off, when Ryujin pulled him by his shirt into her room, she quickly slammed the door shut, leaning against it as she gave the male a serious glare.

"Were you followed?" She asked and Jeongin shook his head, perplexed about her sudden action– calling him over and now asking such a question. "Are you sure Sana wasn't behind you?"

"She was on a call, only waved at me when I walked past her," Jeongin explained, falling face first into her bed. "What's up?" He irked a brow, after stirring to face Ryujin.

"Okay so, you know Hyunjin right?" She started walking towards him, sweeping her bangs away from her face with both hands, letting it rest on her head.

"The guy who glares at me? Yeah, I have a feeling he isn't too fond of me being close to you, are you two dating or something?"

"What? No!" Ryujin shook her head, the images of earlier today's flashing for the umpteenth time, and just as expected a blush found its way to her flaming cheeks.

Jeongin noticed this and it suddenly perked its interest. He took a more relaxed posture, wiggling his brows, and a lopsided grin followed. "You like him?"

"Shut up!" Ryujin rolled her eyes.  "Turn around."

"Why?" Jeongin tilted his head to the side, a vague frown creasing his face.

"I wanna say something and I can't say it with you're looking at me like that," The ravenette crossed her arms, waiting for the taller to agree to her words.


"Just turn around!"

The black haired gave her a blank stare before facing the wall, lazily propping his head up with his hand. "Go ahead, I'm not looking."

"He kissed me today."

"What the fuck?"

"Innie baby, don't curse. Now fucking turning around, I don't wanna see that adorable face while ranting."

Jeongin complied again, going against it would be futile.

"Okay, so Felix invited me to have coffee with him, and I knew why, but what I didn't know was that Hwang would be there too. Felix left and. . .I don't know, it just gets hazy from there-" Ryujin paused, she hadn't told Jeongin about her going to a party and almost kissing her ex art buddy. That's a major plot in the story.

Jeongin looked at her at her hesitance, irking a brow, he gave her a confused stare. Ryujin huffed, she knew for her to rant about what happened earlier, to him, he has to know from the top, every detail she had left out before.

"Remember that Friday night I called you but didn't say anything?"

-------------• ° -💚- ° •-------------

- meet bald, short and evil
- squirrel's savage associate

Anyways hi, how are you?
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(For motivational purposes)


Charmer | HyunjinWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu