[12] Not a word

685 30 17

District 8, Seoul

↪Hyunjin's pov↩

      "N..no!" Ryujin said, fret lacing her flat tone, she looked around, probably searching for the cause of that sound.

And not long after, Kkami ran out of the kitchen and towards where we stood, barking loudly. Ryujin screamed and climbed up the couch.

"Hwang, what is that thing?"

"Uh, a dog?" I snickered, bending down to pick Kkami up, patting his head as I walked towards Ryujin. "Don't panic, he doesn't bite!" I pointed the dog at her, smiling.

"Get that away from me!" Ryujin yelled, jumping off the couch and ran towards the door.

"I'm sorry," feeling bad for scaring her like that, I apologized, bowing slightly. But unfortunately, Kkami jumped off my hands and ran towards the frightened girl.

Ryujin yelled some more, running behind me. "Hwang, stop that devil dog!" She jumped on my back, wrapping her arms around my neck– more like strangling the hell out of me– her legs encircled my waist as she struggled, making me lose my balance.

"I. . .can't breathe. . .Ryujin," trying to grab whatever amount of oxygen I could get, I held her arms, in attempt to break free. Kkami kept on barking at Ryujin, causing her fright to skyrocket. "Kkami, stop it!"

The door opened and I quickly averted my gaze to it, just to see Felix standing with a befuddled expression.

Slowly, his furrowed brows shot up, his lips curved into a mischievous grin, along with his features. "Moving fast are we?"

"Shut the fuck up and get Kkami away from her," Ignoring the burning sensation on my face, I reprimanded Felix's words, biting my lip, my eyes shut.

Felix laughed and picked up the barking dog, ruffling his fur. "I got it?"

"Ryu, its fine, you can get down now," I kept my voice low, my body stifled when I felt her ragged breaths bounce off the crook of my neck, and her rapid heartbeat hitting my back, even the way her trembling hands vibrated around my neck.

"Oh Hi Felix?" Ryujin's voice was low and held a hint of confusion. She got down from my back, glaring at Kkami. Her face was red, probably from embarrassment.

"Hi Ryujin, sorry about Kkami," Felix smiled, walking towards the kitchen. Kkami had calm down, resting peacefully in Felix's arms. "Don't worry, I'll keep him away from you."

Ryujin bowed and then she turned to me. "Not a word!" She spoke through gritted teeth, embarrassment still boldly written on her face.

I nodded, trying hard not to laugh. Ryujin gave me a skeptical look. "Can we skip to the painting part?"

"Sure," I affirmed, walking to where my paintings were. "And kkami wasn't gonna attack you, he's just being playful," I tried to ease her a bit, but she just scoffed. "I'm sorry."

Ryujin finally looked at me, smiling, her head tilted to the side, observing how I hung my head down, fiddling with my ear. "Cute!"

"Stop it!"


I took a deep breath, and balled my fist. "I'm sexy, not cute!"

"Whatever flies your bed."

"You know Felix?" I changed the subject, looking away from Ryujin who was smirking. She froze for a second before clearing her throat, a shy look on her face.

"Well. . ." Ryujin trailed off. "I sit next to him in literature class?"

I nodded, giving her a suspicious look. "You like him?"

"I liked him, but that's in the past," Ryujin shrugged, walking into the room, where I usually paint. Her doe eyes scanned the room, her lips slowing tugging into a smile. "Its pretty."


She started walking around, paying attention to my paintings, prodding about various ones and what was the reasons behind them.

"I love your colour choices, they're so unique and bold, cool. . ." Ryujin stopped, looking at an uncompleted painting I shoved carelessly. "What's that?"

"Nothing," I pulled her away from it, heading towards another part of the room. "Its embarrassing," muttering, I let go of Ryujin's wrist.

Creasing my forehead, I looked at my hand that burned with a tingling sensation but chilly at the same time. My breaths became ragged and unsteady, my chest heavy and cheeks burned.


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- help
- beach day??

Anyways hi, how are you?
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