Extra #8

321 22 13

Jyp Int. School
Supplies shed

↪Third person pov↩

     “How about I fit you through the keyhole?”

Changbin shot the brunette a cold glare, a scrawl on his face. He huffed loudly, trying to find comfort on the little almost out of order chair that he luckily found tucked away in the corner. “Minho, please kindly think of a way to get us out, not bully me.” he sighed.

“Can't help it,” Minho shrugged. “Its fun.”

The shed fell into an abyss of silence, just the sound of a car driving by. Minho groaned in pure confusion, he peeked out the window, searching for someone that might be able to help them out, scoffing when no one, not even that grumpy security walked passed. “We better get ready to spend the night here then.”

Changbin protested. “I don't want to sleep here, it's cold and uncomfortable and dark!”

“But you love darkeu,” Minho chortled, his fingers still gripping on the windowsill.

Oh how Changbin longed to hear, 'Breaking news; local cat lover found dead in a school shed' but sadly he couldn't murder him, his life was way too precious to be spent in a jail cell, so instead he sighed.

The two had were led here by their so called friends. Hyunjin had asked Changbin for help while Chan had lied to Minho that there was a stray cat in the shed, only for them to be locked in.

“When I get out of here, I'm going to kill Hyunjin,” Changbin whinged, glaring at the door.

“I'll just shave Chan's hair, not that it would make a difference, but I need him to go completely bald.”

Changbin nodded, attesting to Minho's words. He hated that he came to an agreement with the older. “Lets work together and get out of here,” Minho smirked, accepting Changbin's hand shake.

Ah, they finally agree on something. Chan and Hyunjin would be so proud.

“Okay, on the count of three we jam the door down,” They both nodded, preparing their arms for the impact. “One... Two... Three... Wait!” Minho yelled when he heard the door creak, but it was too late.

They charged, approaching the door with great speed, slipping off when it opened, both falling face first on the snow covered ground.

Ryujin looked at them perplexed. Hyunjin had begged her to go unlock them, knowing full well they'd knead them if he or Chan went. “Hi guys?”

-------------• ° -💜- ° •-------------

Okay, maybe I sorta, kinda, accidentally forgot about this book.


Anyways hi, how are you?
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