[23] Felix: The Comforter

554 30 12

District 8, Seoul

↪Third person pov↩

       "Is there anything you'd like to share?"

One week, it has been exactly one week since Hyunjin had a normal conversation with Ryujin. And as the days go by, the lesser words they exchanged, she'd always sit far away from the brown haired, stealing glimpses of him and each time he looks at her, she immediately turns away.

And it hurts, cause the one person Hyunjin had grown attached to just cut him off, like snip, snip, snippidy, snip motherfucker, like it was nothing.

And this made him think, did she just stick around for her own benefit? Was all her smiles, laughs and even the way she interacted with him, were all those fake? Did he just make a fool out of himself?

At first, his instinct told him to hang out with girls to grab her attention, but that totally backfired and now the girls wouldn't leave, and then he tried ignoring her too, but nabbing glimpses of her doesn't count so he failed that too.

And now he's all mopping and mulling, hardly ever speaking with Felix and his Hyungs. When they asked what's wrong, he simply  blamed his sour mood on not having an excuse to hang out with Ryu and was too chicken to ask her out.

It was believable and so they left him alone, well that was until Felix had enough and decided to interrogate the older.

"No?" Hyunjin replied, taking the coffee Felix pointed at him. He loved that about the blonde, he never forgets to brew him a cup and would always pry into his problems, even though it annoys him sometimes.

Felix looked at the brunette's phone and smirked. "Nice wallpaper," Hyunjin quickly picked up his phone, hiding the screen which displayed a selfie Ryujin had snapped the both of them on their day out in the city.

"I don't know how that got there," Hyunjin shook his head. Felix just scoffed at his actions and words.

"When will Ryujin be coming over again? I'm pretty sure Kkami misses her," the Australian looked at the sleeping canine and back to his owner, to see his reaction.

"I don't know," Hyunjin shrugged.

"Call her."

"Its late, she might be sleeping."

"Is something wrong between you two?" Felix decided to cut the crap, cause beating around the bush right now would be futile. He clasped his hands together, resting his chin on it.



The addressed sighed, pulling his beanie over his face, he threw his head back, groaning in agony. Felix is definitely not gonna leaving him alone. "Ryu stopped talking to me."

"Do you know why?"



He grunted, now he knew the chicken meant business and he's walking on thin ice right now. He may not admit it but Felix's deep voice always intimidates him at times like these.

"Remember when Ryu wanted to leave Wang's party?" He asked and Felix nodded. The next part was kinda hard for him to speak but he had to, cause the look Felix had on could kill. "She almost kissed me." He mumbled.

"Huh? SHE WHAT?"

"Dude, keep it down!" The brown haired tried calming him down, by pressing his lips shut with his hands.

When Felix finally relaxed, his shook himself out of the daze. "Almost? Did you reject?"

"No, why would I?" Hyunjin glared at him. "She stop and then apologized, before shutting the door on my face," He frowned, now looking down at the cushions.

"That's wicked," Felix effused. He flung his arms and hung them on the taller's shoulders, shaking him as he kept yelling incoherent words.

Hyunjin just gave him a confused look, but he's used to it by now, he just simply waited for him to explain himself.

"Ryu totally likes you, that's why she's avoiding you, she maybe thinks she has ruined your friendship and too ashamed to confront you after that."

Hyunjin stayed silent, and after painfully slow seconds crawled passed, he let out an awkward laugh. "You think I'm gonna believe you, hm Yongbok? Last time I listened to you I thought I was in love."


"Your coffee is nice, you should stick to that rather than advice."

Felix huffed, pouting as he sunk into the sofa, his arms crossed.

"Thanks for trying to comfort me though," Hyunjin smiled, ruffling the younger's hair, but got his hand slapped away rather than the giggles he normally receives.

Felix inwardly cackled, pleased with the mental plan he had just came up with.

----------• ° -💜- ° •-----------

- chasing purple
- stranger danger ?? 

Anyways hi, how are you?
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