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Instagram id:-secr_ret_wri_ter. Do follow for spoiler Alerts ⚠️ 😃

"Hey Sidharth what are you doing here? When did you come from UK." Aarush asked to Sidharth by hugging him.

"I reached last week but I didn't get time visit you. So I thought to come here and Dad have to come here for urgent discussion with your father." Sidharth said

"Oh... I see. " Aarush replied.

"Where are Rehaan and Ranveer?" Sidharth asked.

"Rehaan is in his apartment doing his work from there and Ranveer he is in New York." Aarush asked.

"Ranveer is in New York, For what?" Sidharth asked.

"As usual for Date." Aarush replied.

"He will never change." Sidharth said.


Hitesh and Jaidev came out from the cabin .

"Aarush..." Jaidev called

"Yeah Dad." Aarush replied.

"Arrange some money for Hitesh uncle ." Jaidev said.

Aarush and Jaidev discussing about the cash and its arrangement.

Finally Aarush arranged the money for Hitesh. Actually Hitesh didn't said to Jaidev and Aarush that this money is for investment for Dhriti's project.

Unknowingly Sidharth and Hitesh falling in the trap of Dhriti. Her first step in her revenge is successful.

Now Sidharth and Hitesh is in their office in Sidharth's cabin. Dhriti is hearing all their conversation through the microphone she kept there .

"Finally we arranged money. Let's call Dhriti and say we ready to sign the deal." Hitesh said to Sidharth

"Okay Dad . Did you said to Jaidev uncle that this cash is for investing Dhriti's project.?" Sidharth asked

"No." Hitesh said.

"Okay I will call her right now." Sidharth said and took his phone.

At the same time Dhriti take her phone and called Arjun.

"Aju...come to my cabin right now." Dhriti said this and disconnected the call.

Arjun came to her cabin.

"What happened ? Are you okay?" Arjun asked to Dhriti.

"Yeah I am okay. Give me your phone." Dhriti said in hurry.

"For what?" Arjun asked.

"Give it yaar....." Dhriti said to him at the same time Arjun's phone rings.

"Take that call and give it to me. Sidharth is calling. " Dhriti said.

Dhriti took the phone call and said

"Hello, who is this speaking?" Dhriti asked.

"Hello, I am Sidharth Takur." Sidharth said over through the phone.

"Yeah Mr.Sidharth Takur, why did you call?" Dhriti asked.

"Dhriti I have to meet you ." Sidharth said.

"Call me Dhriti Krishna or otherwise you can call me DK don't call me Dhriti because only my loved ones are allowed to call me like that." Dhriti said in cold voice.

"Okay fine. I will call you DK." Sidharth said

"Then why do you want to meet me." Dhriti asked.

"It's urgent I will send the location ." Sidharth said.

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