♡ Chapter 15 - Are they safe? ♡

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~ AS Mansion

"Mr. Oberoi, move!" she shouted at the top of her lungs, grabbing everyone's attention. With remarkable speed, she sprinted toward him. No one understood why she was suddenly yelling, and Shivaay couldn't grasp why she was urging him to move.

As she was standing just a few feet away from him, she swiftly reached him and pushed him aside. Simultaneously, she moved away from the position underneath the chandelier, attempting to avoid an accident.

Just after a moment she moved, the chandelier crashed down, and they narrowly escaped. Fortunately, chandelier wasn't overly large, and also located at some good hight buying them time to escape to evade injury to their heads.

He realized he was about to fall due to her push, so he tried to find a grip for balance and unknowingly held onto her hand, causing both to fall together, with Shivaay beneath and Annika on top

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He realized he was about to fall due to her push, so he tried to find a grip for balance and unknowingly held onto her hand, causing both to fall together, with Shivaay beneath and Annika on top. She quickly placed one hand behind his head to prevent him from getting hurt due to hard floor.

Shivaay fell to the floor with Annika above him, and both were still in shock, particularly Shivaay, who hadn't fully understood what had just happened. They remained in the same position to calm themselves. Shivaay looked at Annika, noticing her staring at him, her hand still protecting the back of his head from the hard floor.

"Are you okay?" she asked, looking into his eyes. He could see slight worry lines on her forehead, her face just inches away. There was a hint of panic in her voice.

"Are you okay? Nothing happened to you, right?" he responded, instead of answering her directly. Worry filled his eyes, and he questioned her in a panicked voice, As her one hand was placed above his heart. She can sense the increase in heart beat rate after that question.

"First, answer my question, Mr. Oberoi," she hissed, irritated by his cross question. Why can't he give answer straightly.

"I am okay," he answered listening to her tone. Though it held irritation, he can feel the concern in her voice.

"Now, answer me," he insisted.

Their conversation was interrupted as the family, along with security members, rushed to them upon witnessing the current scenario. Glass pieces from the chandelier were scattered in their surroundings. Omru, Ajay, Tej, and Deep, along with security personnel, worked to clear the glass pieces, creating a safe space for Shivika to stand up.

Rudra assisted Annika in standing up, holding her shoulder, while Om and Deep aided Shivaay. Annika examined Shivaay with her eyes, she was relieved to find him uninjured. She saw Khan, their security head approaching. she realized the gravity of the situation, and her eyes reflected anger.

"Ms. Raizadha, are you okay?" he asked, expressing worry and panic. However, before he could receive a response, others began bombarding them with inquiries about their well-being. Shivaay assured everyone he was fine, but he continued to gaze at Annika, awaiting answers and checking for any injuries. Annika remained silent, without answering to Shivaay and the others.

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