♡ Chapter 18- Pasta ♡

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She too unknowingly felt sleepy and went into sleep and she unknowingly, kept her head on his head, which was resting on her shoulder.

Rudra was going inside the house and saw a car in the middle. It's not kept in the parking area. Wondering whose car it could be, he went near to ask. From the windscreen, he could see there was no one in the driver's seat, but at the back seat, he saw two figures sleeping, sitting straight toward the windscreen. He went nearer to witness his Bhaiya keeping his head on his Annika Didi's shoulder, and she is resting her head on his. That sight brought a wide smile to his face. They both looked at peace. He felt something magical looking at the sight. Maybe he is feeling this way because he never saw his Shivaay Bhaiya like this with anyone before. He never got motherly love from Pinky. He treats Jhanvi and Dadi like a mother. But like him and Om, his Bhaiya never demands to be pampered by them. He loves, pampers his loved ones, and provides them his love and care. But when it comes to him, he always draws a boundary. About his Annika Didi, this is the first time she is looking peaceful and calm since he met her. She will be like a strict and caring mother to his Shivaay Bhaiya when their relationship progresses, he thought with a chuckle. He doesn't want to disturb them, so he silently left from there towards the mansion with a huge smile plastered on his face.

Om saw Rudra entering the mansion with a wide smile on his face and got confused.

"What happened, Dumble Oberoi? Got a new girlfriend?" Om asked him sarcastically.

Rudra just looked at him with the same smile and left without answering. Om looked confused.

He didn't want to share about it with anyone. Some things are meant to be kept secret. He didn't want to tease them about it either.

Half an hour passed. Shivaay slowly opened his eyes from sleep. He felt he was leaning on something hard and soft. He leaned more on it. He could sense something leaning on his head. Annika's sleep got disturbed with his movements and slowly opened her eyes to see that she was leaning on Shivaay. Her eyes slightly widened at that. She had been sleeping leaning on him, and her cheeks turned slightly pink at that thought. She immediately moved her head, looking at him.

Shivaay lifted his head from the same position, still leaning on her shoulder, to see Annika looking at him. His eyes widened. Had he slept on her shoulder throughout? He was feeling sleepy and must have leaned on her shoulder in his sleep, he thought. He quickly tried to move away, but in the process, his head accidentally bumped into hers.

He moved his head towards her and intentionally bumped his head into hers again.

She was internally surprised at that. His eyes widened after thinking what he did.

"Sorry, Ms. Raizadha. Rudra told us when we were kids that we might grow horns if we hit heads at once. Though it sounds stupid, we got habituated to this. So, in reflex, I hit your head again," he said, rubbing his hand on his neck, looking embarrassed and shy.

Annika looked at him, feeling internally amused. He looked like a small, cute kid explaining to his mom about the reason after doing something naughty.

Shivaay looked at her and then towards the window, feeling embarrassed about it.

Annika, who noticed this, tried to change the subject.

"Mr. Oberoi, as I said before, your bodyguard will be appointed from tomorrow. He arrived in the city, and I received his message before coming here. He'll be here any moment. I will introduce him to you today," she said. Shivaay nodded, and both stepped out of the car.

They observed a car approaching them. A man emerged from it and walked toward them.

"Good evening, ma'am," he wished her, bowing his head slightly in respect. She nodded in acknowledgment.

Shivika - A story to unfold जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें