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Their hands may have been covered with the eggs of the mutated earthworm. When they thought that those eggs might have entered their skin, those few people wanted to rub their hands to peel off the skin.
  "Change rooms." Ji Yanqing took the lead and stood up.
  Everyone did not dare to hesitate and took their things to follow.
  There was only one room door open in the whole building, so Ji Yanqing had to take a group of people to the next building.
  Find the room again and enter the door. No one has the strength to speak anymore. Everyone just lies on the ground and closes their eyes to sleep.
  They were so exhausted that no one even had the energy to stand guard.
  Ji Yanqing wanted to stay awake, but first he faced the landlord, got injured, and then ran away. He was more exhausted than the others, and he quickly fell asleep completely.
  Ji Yanqing was awakened by a burst of gunfire.
  The gunshots were some distance away from them, but they sounded very sudden and rapid. Along with the gunshots were the sounds of shattered building glass and the sounds of humans screaming in terror.
  Others in the room were also awakened. After waking up, a group of people in the room looked at each other, and their pupils shrank suddenly.
  Ji Yanqing quickly came to the window and looked in the direction of the sound.
  The sound came from the corpse of the Corpse King they saw last night.
  The sky has already been bright, and the buildings and the ground are exposed. Only some places that are not exposed to the sun are covered with snow.
  The corpse of the Corpse King was also exposed from under the snow. It was huge, nearly ten meters long. It was shaped like a centipede, with densely packed legs, feet and teeth as sharp as sharp blades. It was covered in black armor and was extremely hard. But it has been chopped into pieces.
  The green liquid was all over the floor, and Ji Yanqing could smell the fishy smell through the window.
  The gunshots were getting closer and closer, and the group of people who fired the shots were running towards them, seemingly wanting to get out of the city.
  "Over there..." Gu Wenmo pointed to one side.
  Ji Yan looked away lightly.
  Dozens of figures quickly ran out of the building in panic and panic. They looked back as they fled as fast as they could, as if there were evil spirits crawling out of hell chasing after them.
  Passing through the building, they came to the corpse of the Centipede Corpse King. Seeing the body divided into several sections, the group of people instantly fell into a more panic situation.
  They didn’t have time to think about what killed the Centipede Corpse King. They didn’t have time to fall into deeper fear. The thing chasing them came out of the alleyway.
  "Gah!" A sharp cry shook the glass in front of Ji Yanqing's group, and also made Gu Wenmo's group behind the glass tremble.
  Chasing the group of fleeing people was an awakened zombie that was about to advance to become a zombie king.
  The awakened zombie has no human shape at all. It is nearly one meter tall and more than five meters long. It has dark brown skin and looks like a Tyrannosaurus rex.
  It has thick hind legs and a long tail. Its big mouth is full of sharp teeth, and its mouth is chewing humans.
  "Ouch!" Another sharp voice came from the roof on the left.
  Ji Yan looked over and saw that it was another awakened zombie.
  It is a combination of a monkey and a chicken. It moves and climbs at high places like a monkey, but it has chicken-like feathers. Its feathers have not yet fully grown. Many of them are In places you can still see the skin where feathers are brewing.
  It hasn’t been awake for long.
  Two awakened zombies, the fleeing crowd, familiar scenes, familiar fear and despair rushed towards them, causing Gu Wenmo’s group of people to weaken their legs instantly, and everyone instinctively squatted down to try to escape.
  Ji Yan moved slightly towards the window and continued to observe the situation there from the side of the window.
  More and more people were being chased and fled toward them.
  That should be two teams.
  There were about fifty or sixty people in one of the teams. Each of them wore bulletproof vests and held guns. They were very organized. They kept turning back and shooting in an attempt to kill the two awakened zombies.
  The people in the other team were in a mess. They were about 150 or 60 people, and more than 50 of them had guns. Those without guns ran in panic, and those with guns also frequently Turning around and shooting, they were scattered and unorganized, fighting here and there.
  There are two awakened zombies, and they are obviously in a cooperative state.
  They cooperated to attack the group of people, which made it impossible for the group of people to concentrate their firepower.
  Unable to concentrate firepower and eliminate the two awakened zombies, they could only be chased.
  "Ah, save——" The people who fell behind became the food of the zombie shaped like a dinosaur.
  Others heard the screams and moved forward quickly in panic.
  Before they could run far, another awakened zombie jumped off the building and landed in front of them.
  The awakened zombie with feathers grabbed a person with one hand and hid in the alleyway next to him before the gun came.
  When it reappeared, it was already on the roof to the left of a group of people. In its hands were two humans that it had crushed. It was not going to eat them. It liked this kind of hunting. a feeling of.
  Hearing the shouts that were already beside them, Gu Wenmo's group of people squatting and hiding under the window looked at him uneasily. Ji Yanqing stood.
  "Mom——" The child's frightened scream paused at the sound of the dinosaur's awakening zombie's feet hitting the ground.

The Little Beauty Was Forced to Raise a Cub for the Corpse King"Where stories live. Discover now