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  After finishing his work, Ji Yanqing looked at Feng Yimo, who had been staring at him from the beginning.
  Looking across Ji An, Ji Yanqing immediately met a pair of expectant eyes.
  Feng Yimo's dark eyes were cold and his emotions were often difficult to detect, but Ji Yanqing could understand them at a glance.
  "Go to sleep." Ji Yan said softly.
  Without waiting for what he wanted to hear, the light of expectation deep in Feng Yimo's eyes gradually dimmed, replaced by a hint of disappointment.
  Ji Yanqing pretended not to understand and closed his eyes.
  He knew what Feng Yimo wanted to hear, but he couldn't say it.
  For so long, he has never said a word of love to Feng Yimo.
  It's not that he doesn't like Feng Yimo, it's just that he can't achieve Feng Yimo's unabashed enthusiasm and sincerity.
  Unlike other children, he knew what "love" was when he was very young.
  His mother loved his father and would not hesitate to give birth to him even if his father might die. His father also loved his mother deeply, and he was driven mad and terminally ill by her death.
  The love was so hot that every time he talked about his relatives, his tone was complicated and envious, as if it was something extraordinary.
  He may have been envious when he was a child, but when he grew up, it was a terrible curse, a nightmare, and something he could not avoid.
  He knew that his and Feng Yimo's situations were different, but he still couldn't say these words.
  To be more precise, the very fact of loving someone without any worries is the scariest thing for him.

  He always had the feeling that when he said those few words, he flipped a switch and he would immediately fall into a situation where he would go crazy over it.
  It was a fact that Feng Yimo was the Corpse King. He couldn't help but think about what he would do if he faced a moment when he had to make a choice in the future.
  He always makes the right decision decisively when it comes to the survival team in the alliance, but he always has many concerns about this matter.
  The more worried he was, the more he couldn't speak out.
  Ji Yan lay there for a long time with his eyes closed. He didn't open his eyes until he was sure that Feng Yimo had fallen asleep.
  In the darkness, Feng Yimo frowned slightly even though he was asleep.
  Ji Yanqing didn't sleep well that night, he always woke up in a daze.
  Every dream that woke him up was different. Sometimes he was sleeping well and suddenly started thinking about Feng Yimo. Sometimes he finally fell asleep but dreamed about before the virus outbreak.
  After sleeping for a few hours, the snow gradually fell, so Ji Yanqing simply stopped sleeping and got up directly.
  Ji Yanqing carefully left the middle of Ji An and Ji Le, and when he got out of the car, he was faced with pale faces.
  There were thousands of people in the camp. Their faces were blue and white from the cold, their eyes were bloodshot, and there were dark circles under their eyes. They looked like a group of evil spirits gathering together to cause trouble.
  "Didn't you sleep well?" Ji Yan asked lightly.
  Everyone who had not slept all night was silent. How could Ji Yanqing have the nerve to ask this?
  That's the Corpse King, the Corpse King!
  And it's not just one, it's several, several three-evolved corpse kings.
  When they thought of this, no one among them dared to close their eyes. No one in the camp fell asleep last night except Ji Yanqing.
  The people in Xiangyang were quite sleepy, but they didn't dare to sleep for fear of being set on fire or beaten, so they could only stare and accompany the others to do the hard work.
  Seeing Ji Yanqing at this moment, their eyes were filled with more resentment than others.
  "Did they make any movement last night?" Ji Yan glanced at the direction of the group of corpse kings in the Death camp.
  "...There are many more corpse kings, but they haven't come over." Lan Zi said.
  Ji Yanqing walked through the gap between the two cars and looked into the distance from the front of the car.
  After a night of heavy snow, their camp, the mountains in the distance, and the entire world were covered in white snow, hiding all death and despair. The entire world was spotlessly clean, and even the coldness in the air revealed a clean and fresh air.
  In the distance, several corpse kings poked their heads.
  There are more corpse kings in the mountains, now less than fifty or sixty. They are all hiding in the woods, and they seem to be afraid of Feng Yimo.
  Ji Yan watched for a while but didn't see any movement. He returned to the camp and asked everyone to prepare breakfast.
  What happened last night caused thousands of people in the camp to fall into fear and uneasiness, but even if they were fearful and uneasy, they still had to be hungry. When they heard that they were going to have breakfast, a group of people quickly got busy.
  The bonfire was rekindled and the pots and stoves set up.
  Hearing the noise, Ji An and Ji Le woke up.
  The two little guys who had just woken up were in a daze and were shaking when they stood, making people worried that they would fall.
  When Ji Yanqing stepped forward to take the two little guys out of the car and put them on the ground, the fragrance was already spreading in the camp.
  Breakfast is very rich, including porridge cooked with cabbage, noodles and noodles cooked with several other mutated plants, and compressed biscuits cooked with canned beef.
  Smelling the fragrance in the air, Ji An and Ji Le, who were still sleepy just now, became very energetic. They took Ji Yanqing to queue up very actively.

The Little Beauty Was Forced to Raise a Cub for the Corpse King"Where stories live. Discover now