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ಇ. Loves cats so much you don't understand
ಇ. Always, ALWAYS, brings cat food in her bag to do street feeding in case she encounters stray cats
ಇ. She always wanted one for herself, but with everything that was going on in her life, she was afraid she couldn't take care of it well and would end up abandoning it
ಇ. Then on her 18th birthday (international age, so it's in 2020), Minho got her a white American short-haired cat
ಇ. She named him Gureum (구금), meaning 'cloud' in Korean
ಇ. Gureum stays with Kala's friend in her apartment because some members allergy to cats
ಇ. Gureum is her personal diary. She told him every event in her life

ಇ. Is so good at cooking
ಇ. She learned it from her grandma because grandma's cook is the best
ಇ. She often cooks for the members with Minho
ಇ. Changbin said her cooking feels like home
ಇ. Her most famous cooking is kimchi stew. It has become everyone's comfort food
ಇ. When someone is sick, they'll ask Kala to make it for them

ಇ. Likes to read so much she is obsessed
ಇ. She reads fantasy and sci-fi the most
ಇ. Hardcore Potterhead
ಇ. Hufflepuff pride!!!
ಇ. Favorite character in Harry Potter: Draco Malfoy. And Luna Lovegood. And Dobby. And Remus Lupin. Basically everyone
ಇ. She at least rewatches Harry Potter 4 times in a year and drags the other member to watch it with her
ಇ. In many SKZ-Talker videos, she is often found zoning out and escaping reality to live in the magic world she created for herself
ಇ. Visiting Universal Studio and wearing Hogwarts uniform are written on her bucket list

ಇ. Fluent in English, not because she once lived in a foreign country or something, she's just smart and paid attention in English class duh
ಇ. In fact she's never been in a foreign country before
ಇ. Hell, she even never flew on a plane
ಇ. The thought of flying on a plane actually scares her to death. She will have a panic attack. All because of her parents' accident

ಇ. Because of her severe allergy to alcohol, she doesn't drink—no, she CAN'T drink or consume something that contains alcohol
ಇ. She also can't go anywhere without bringing an epinephrine injection. She always brings 2 to 3 EpiPens (an auto-injector that contains epinephrine) in her bag, stored in her personal medical box
ಇ. She almost died once because she thought a glass of soju was water, so she drank the whole thing in one shot. Everyone was panicking, it was a disaster.

ಇ. Easily laugh at everything
ಇ. You just need to tell her the lamest dad joke ever and she's already rolling on the floor
ಇ. Has a high-pitched laugh it almost matches with Hyunjin's
ಇ. Laughs while aggressively hitting the person near her or clapping her hands

ಇ. She's good at video games
ಇ. When I say she's good, I mean it like REALLY really good, almost like a pro gamer
ಇ. She used to go to the internet cafe after school, that was where she got her gaming skills
ಇ. She spent so much time there that her grandma had to take her home herself sometimes
ಇ. She got the money to go to the internet cafe from busking

ಇ. She's also pretty good at photography and video editing
ಇ. But not that good good, u know wht i mean?
ಇ. She understands a few things but isn't really skilled
ಇ. She does it as a side hobby

ಇ. Because she's fast at picking up things, she's a quick learner
ಇ. That's why she can be good at anything she does
ಇ. Just tell her to use those music tools in Chan's studio and an hour later she has already mastered the basic concept

ಇ. She loves bracelets so much
ಇ. If you run out of an idea of what to buy her as a gift, just give her a bracelet and she'll be over the moon
ಇ. She has plenty of it you'll think she's a bracelet collector
ಇ. That's not entirely wrong tho

ಇ. A big fan of BTS (if u dont like this fact, ur loss)
ಇ. She really looks up to them as she has been a fan since 'The Most Beautiful Moment in Life' era (2015)
ಇ. She barely contain her excitement every time they go to the same award show
ಇ. She often sings their song in her lives

ಇ. Also a big fan of Billie Eilish
ಇ. She sang 'Ocean Eyes' in the monthly evaluation was the one that got Chan's attention
ಇ. Her cover of 'Happier Than Ever' in the SKZ-Player video was blown up and went viral. Especially the part where the song changes from slow acoustic where Kala plays her guitar to rock where she plays her bass
ಇ. Billie Eilish herself took notice of her and shared her cover on her Instagram story

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