Bonding With Felix

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[This is a compilation chapter. The scenes below either happened before the survival show or during the survival show]

Note: Underline words are said in English

"You're from Australia too?!" Kala exclaimed awestruck when Felix apologized in advance if his Korean was bad because he wasn't from Korea.

"Yeah. Sydney to be exact." Felix smiled in amusement watching Kala's astonished expression.

"That is so cool..." she trailed off, reflexively imagining what Australia was like.

Felix chuckled, finding Kala who was fascinated by the fact that he's from Australia adorable. "What's so cool about that?"

"You came from a foreign country. I always think it's cool."

"Yeah? Why?"

"You live so far away yet you're in here now," Kala replied. "I've never gone abroad. The furthest I've ever traveled is from Jeju to Seoul."

"Well then, if we get a chance, let's go to Australia! You'll love it there."

Kala nodded enthusiastically, forgetting about her fear of flying on the plane. "I'm sure I will."

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

Seeing Felix and Minho in the corner of the dance practice room learning Korean, Kala approached them to join in. She soundlessly sat cross-legged next to Felix who had a confused look at the moment.

"Ah... What's the word..." Minho thought hard, gradually sweeping his gaze to the girl who was unknowingly already there with them. "Kala-ya, you're good at English, explain to Felix in English what 'himdeuro' means."

Felix moved his attention to her with a clueless, innocent face that made Kala want to squeeze his cheek.

"Oppa, 'himdeuro' literal meaning is 'hard'. You say that when you are having a hard time for almost any context," Kala smoothly explained

Felix instantly nodded in understanding. "Oh, okay okay, I get it now." He wrote down Kala's words in his notebook. "So then can I say, 'learning Korean is so himdeuro'?"

Kala and Minho chuckled. "Yeah, something like that."

"Kala-ya, since you're here, explain to him too the difference between 'areumdapda' and 'yeppeuda'," Minho told her.

She nodded obediently and turned her body to Felix. "Well, they basically share the same meaning which is 'beautiful'. But beautiful's 'areumdapda' is more likely used when you see beautiful scenery, while for 'yeppeuda', the meaning is more inclined to 'pretty'. You usually refer it to people's appearance," Kala elaborated it slowly so Felix could catch up with what she was saying.

"But you don't have to strictly separate the two. You still can use 'areumdapda' to people and 'yeppeuda' to beautiful scenery," Minho added.

Felix nodded and hummed understandingly while taking notes. "Okay, copy that. Thanks hyung, Kala. You guys are a real areumdapda and yeppeuda."

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

Kala stopped playing her guitar when she saw Felix come out of the room after two hours of Korean class with the teacher JYPE provided for foreign trainees. She waved at him so he could notice her presence.

Felix beamed at the younger girl's sight and brought his feet toward Kala who sat on the single couch in the trainee lounge with her beloved guitar on her lap. "Hey, why are you still here?" He took a seat on the remaining chair next to her.

"I was waiting for you." Kala proceeded to put her guitar in the bag.

"Really? How long have you been waiting?" Felix checked the watch on his wrist to see what time was it now.

"Two hours," Kala purposely switched to English as she knew Felix was still confused with numbers in Korean.

"Two hours?! We've finished practicing hours ago. You should've gone home and rest."

"But I want to go home with you."

Felix just smiled at the sweet gesture. He got up and offered his arm to Kala. "Let's go home then."

Kala followed suit and clasped her arm in his. "Shall we have dinner at the convenience store first?"

"Sure. It's on me."

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

Felix couldn't believe what he just witnessed. "You're platinum rank already?!"

Kala smirked proudly. "Cool, right?"

"That's amazing! Unbelievable!" he stated, dumbfounded by the display of Kala's League of Legends account on the screen in front of him.

They went to the nearby internet cafe straight after the long hours of practicing. Kala was the one who dragged Felix with her when she found out he liked to play League of Legends too.

"Let's play together. I'll invite you," Kala suggested, getting ready with her headphones.

"I should warn you I'm not really good at this."

"Chill, you have me."

Kala underestimated that sentence. When Felix said he wasn't really good at this game, he meant it like a noob she had to carry all the way throughout the game.

Holding back a curse, Kala sighed when Felix accidentally killed both his and Kala's character. Again.

Felix grimaced. "Sorry."

Kala shook her head, dismissing his guilt. "You know what, let's just play Mario Kart."

The two spent the rest of the time playing easier games instead until they lost track of time that Chan had to send Seungmin to pick them up.

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