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Kim Seungmin & Ryu Kala (SeungLa): car seat mates

「 ✦ HOW THEY MET ✦ 」

ಇ. Just like Changbin, Seungmin was having difficulty breaking the ice with Kala as she didn't really open up to him and was not talkative in any way, so it was hard for him to initiate a conversation with her

ಇ. He tried many times, but they always ended up in a more awkward situation again and again. Then at some point, he gave up trying so hard and just let things go as they should

ಇ. But unlike Hyunjin, Seungmin didn't avoid Kala or purposely keep a distance from her. He just acted normally, he treated her the same way he treated the boys

ಇ. He casually joked and teased the members around her. You don't know how glad he was when he could make Kala laugh because of it

ಇ. The development of their relationship was slow but sure. It happened so naturally that they themselves weren't aware that they became closer

ಇ. They finally started hanging out in the survival show era. They always went out with Han and Felix in the beginning, but as time passed, Kala eventually loosened up to Seungmin and they spent more time together, just the two of them

ಇ. Occasionally, they would have meals at the convenience store first, then go to the nearby park and sit on the swings while eating ice cream or yogurt and talking about many things

ಇ. That's how they got to know each other in the pre-debut era. They sometimes still do it now

ಇ. In this pre-debut era, Seungmin and Kala's role was being a mediator for Hyunjin and Jisung. While Jisung was handled by Kala, Hyunjin got Seungmin

ಇ. It was like their unspoken deal to handle these two. However, they had a different approach to handling them

ಇ. You already know that Kala scolded Jisung every time he fought with Hyunjin, but Seungmin handled Hyunjin by giving him water and saying, "Here, you should cool down your ego"

ಇ. Seungmin and Kala were probably the most affected ones by Minho's elimination. He really lost it when she cried, that was the last string that made him fall apart

ಇ. They became each other's strength in those hard times. And when the lost members were back, it was no wonder they were the first people to hug them


ಇ. Seungmin and Kala are always in the same car most of the time, that's why they're the car seat mates
ಇ. There's no special reason behind it, they just enjoy each other's company
ಇ. Being an introvert, they sometimes need some peace to recharge their energy and they're the best at providing that to one another
ಇ. When they're in the same car, they will keep the conversation short and the remaining time will be full of silence
ಇ. Not the awkward silence that makes the situation uncomfortable, but the kind of silence that brings them peace
ಇ. They usually just listen to music on the shared earphones while Kala's head is on Seungmin's shoulder

ಇ. These two learned a lot from each other to improve their vocals
ಇ. They often share some useful tips and techniques in singing
ಇ. The same goes for Jeongin as they three are the vocal racha
ಇ. They always come together for vocal practice
ಇ. It's so easy to spot them both in the company, you just need to search for a boy and a girl who wears a guitar bag on their back and you already find them
ಇ. They have their own customized guitar couple bag, so it's not hard to recognize them walking around the JYPE building

ಇ. Kala can always tell when Seungmin is in mischievous mode and up to something
ಇ. But she never gives him away. She'll just observe what's going to happen and laugh if Seungmin's prank succeeds
ಇ. He once included Kala in one of his pranks and realized it was a big mistake when she started crying and apologizing nonstop after she did it
ಇ. Changbin said Seungmin was a bad influence on Kala, but all she just wanted was to bond with him more
ಇ. Although Kala is the youngest and the members are protective of her, that doesn't stop Seungmin from targeting her too
ಇ. However in the end Minho will rant, "Why are you being like that to your ¹dongsaeng?!?" to him (¹little sibling)

ಇ. They always go to concerts together, whether it's Seungmin's favorite singers, Kala's favorite singers, or their favorite singers
ಇ. They even can go overseas just to watch concerts
ಇ. Kala who has a habit of losing in the crowd makes Seungmin take over Hyunjin's job of holding her hand or embracing her shoulder at every concert they go
ಇ. He keeps his eyes on her and never lets her leave his sight until they get to their seats

ಇ. Seungmin sometimes makes Kala amazed and afraid at the same time
ಇ. She swears this guy knows everything, like... EVERYTHING that is going on around him
ಇ. Just like her, Seungmin is really quick-witted and very observant. He will know right away when someone lies to him
ಇ. A fun fact: he's the only one who noticed Kala had a crush on Minho back in their pre-debut era, so when Kala revealed that secret, he didn't seem surprised at all. Meanwhile the other members were freaking out
ಇ. Kala maybe doesn't go to him when she has something on her mind because she always goes to Chan if she wants to talk about it. But trust me, he will know what's the problem even without her telling him
ಇ. He's just that friend who knows you more than you know yourself ಇ. He is also the only one who knows who's in the group that has certain feelings for Kala *author's smirking again

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