Felix's Elimination

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Just when Kala thought they wouldn't lose another member, JYP once again shattered her hope into grains of dust. She should've seen this coming and prepared herself more. But who was she trying to fool? No matter how much she settled down her mental state, she would never be ready for this to happen again.

This time, Hyunjin and Felix were the potential elimination members. And as predictable as it sounded, Kala couldn't stand the thought of one of them leaving, no one could. She prayed JYP would be possessed by an angel up there and would spare both the members who were at risk because she didn't know how she would get through the phase of losing one more member. Hell, she even hadn't fully recovered from Minho's elimination.

"So, Felix, I'm sorry but..." JYP either intentionally or unintentionally dangled his words to make the eight members of Stray Kids strung out. Although just assuming by the words 'sorry but' they already expected the worst scenario. "This time you won't be able to go on."

That was it. That was how the worst scenario was manifested. The second member who they had to let go.

In this elimination, Kala wasn't as strong as the last one in fighting back her tears. So while JYP went on and on with his speech, she was already sniffling, distracting the old man slightly. A pang of guilt was certainly there, it was never an easy thing to do to destroy these young people's dreams, but he only decided what he thought was the best for them.

"You will be really sad and upset, but this could be better for your team, I hope you can understand that," JYP reasoned, darting his eyes at each one of them. "The remaining 7 members tightly knit yourselves together, and I hope that there will be no more elimination."

Kala's whimpers could be heard louder now as she wasn't trying to hold it anymore. And the moment JYP left the room, her feet gave up on supporting the crushing weight of her body and she instantly squatted down on her place.

Unlike the first elimination, Kala somehow managed to control herself and didn't wail so hard that she could break a glass with it. This time she was just sobbing there, in a squat position, hiding her face in her folding arms, and yearning for that time when this would get better as Chan promised her, because she really didn't know if she could survive this any longer.

In the middle of the storm in literally all of her, Kala felt someone grab her arms gently, making her head up and face the person. It was Felix himself who already flooding with tears, lowering his body to her level and leaning in for a hug, independently circling Kala's arms on his waist as she could sense the younger girl had gone feeble.

"Oppa, I'm sorry." Kala couldn't help but cry harder in his arms. She squeezed his shirt tightly. "I'm so sorry."

Felix tightened his hold on her, rubbing her shoulder up and down. "You did nothing wrong, what are you sorry for?"

For many things.

I should've worked harder to help you, I should've stayed up late with you for extra Korean lessons, I should've paid more attention when you struggled with your pronunciation, and I should've done more so you could stay with us.

I should have.

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