Chapter One

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-"For all women who don't yet realise that they are the most powerful in the room"

-"To anyone fighting an invisible battle.
"I see you!!!!"
|•'بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ•|

"Allah Allah.!"I muttered as I held my back.After a 4 hour surgery my body felt like shutting down.I needed caffeine.

"You guys can rest for now."Doctor Ferman stated as he took off his bloody surgical gloves and started washing his hands.

We nodded and I dried my hand with a tissue.Nazli and I went straight to cafeteria to get coffee.
"Have you heard about the alcohol factory that opened in our locality."Nazli said as she sat on chair.

"Our locality was the only place in Korea that was free from this filth."I gritted my teeth in anger.
"Ya Allah!May they rot in hell."I sighed as I sipped on my coffee.

"Yazia! You need to have a grip on yourself.That factory is owned by the most elite bussiness tycoon of Korea.If you are even thinking about anything.Don't!.He is very powerful."Nazli warned my with a stern gaze.

"Is he more powerful than my Lord?"I asked making her sigh as she hung her head low.

"Yazia.I know you trust Allah but You don't know Min yoongi, He will make your life miserable."She said making me scoff.

"I would love to live a miserable life like a brave warrior than a peaceful life like a coward."I stated making her sigh.

"You win!I can't argue but please before doing anything think about your family once."She said making me chuckle.

"I am not that idiotic."I replied and she smiled."What are you doing ladies?"Demir questioned as he sat on a chair besides me.
"Coffee."I answered as I lifted my coffee cup making him smile.
"I heard You guys accompained Ferman sir in that 4 hour surgery."He asked making me sigh.
"Don't remind me of that."I said making him and Nazli laugh.
"Yeah but seriously.That was really something.My back is aching."Nazli said and I nodded.

"Today I was in emergency with Ali.You can understand,I had to stay with Ali all the time cause he was literally telling the patients that they are going to die soon."Demir said making us laugh.
"I should check on him.We had a tiff today and I wasn't able to talk to him due to the surgery."Nazli got up from her seat and left.I looked at my watch and got up.

"I will also have to leave.Tonight is Ali and Nazli's night shift anyways."I said and Demir looked at me.I walked in the changing room and changed into my casual clothes.I grabbed my bag and walked outside of the hospital.

"I think you wouldn't mind If I drop you home."I heard Demir's voice.I looked back to see him walking towards me wearing a brown fur jacket over a white sweater and beige coloured pants.

"No thanks Demir.I would like walking to my home.You know me."I said and he sighed.His lips turned into a thin line as he nodded.
"I understand"He exclaimed as he looked at me with a smile.
"Fe aman Nilla."I said as I walked towards my home.I sighed as I saw that alcohol factory in my way.
"May Allah protect us and keep us in his care."I sighed as I walked towards my home.

I opened the gate and walked inside a medium sized home with a garden infront of it perfect for a middle class family.I am contented with whatever Allah has given to me.

I walked straight in my room.I showered and did ablution.I prayed salah and then did a bit research on new case.Mr Kim,he has rare abdominal cancer.I sighed as I wore my glasses and scrolled through my tab.
"Congratulations, Mr.Min, on the opening of your new alcohol factory!"The middle aged man smiled at me making me nod my head.

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