Chapter Twenty Four

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"Do you know what you're saying, Nazli?" I spoke, and I heard her hum. "Please, go fetch her. They can do anything to her. That police officer looked like a pervert. She even slapped him," she said, and I groaned, massaging my eye temples. I grabbed my coat and walked out of the office, driving straight to the police station.

I walked straight into the office of that police officer about whom Nazli was speaking. She had seen his badge, and she told me his name. "Oh, Mr. Min. Welcome! I see you're here to get your chick," he said, making me clench my jaw. "Watch your words and Know your place. Do you see who you're speaking to? I can make you disappear, and no one will even question anything," I smirked. I could see him gulp. "Well, I see you have some guts to arrest my wife," I said, sitting on a chair with one leg over the other. His eyes widened. "W-wife?" he stuttered, making me smirk.

"I guess you didn't believe her?" I raised my eyebrow, and he sat up straight. "Sir, actually, you know there are many crazy fangirls of you pretending to be your wife, so I thought," he stopped, lowering his gaze.

"So, you thought my wife is a crazy fangirl?" I tilted my head, and he placed his hand over his red cheek, making me smirk. "I see. She has taught you a lesson," I leaned in, smirking. "You are lucky it was her. 'Cause if it was me, I wouldn't have spared you for touching her," I spoke in a low, deadly voice.

"Get her out right now," I said, but he hesitated. "Sir, there is a complaint filed against her," he said, making me laugh. "We have video recordings, and I will show the CCTV footage of the hospital. You will know whom to arrest. Get her out now," I said in a demanding voice, and he nodded, telling someone to bring her.

After some time, she walked into the room with her eyes flaring. What was she so angry about? I got up from my seat, walking towards her. "Are you alright?" I asked, and she looked at me. I could see her anger vanish away. She nodded, making me sigh in relief. "Let's go," I held her hand, pulling her out of the police station.

She silently sat in the car, and I started driving. "What were you thinking, Yazia? You slapped an on-duty police officer," I asked, and she looked out of the window. "He touched me," she answered in a blank voice. She was extremely angry. I could sense it. "It's alright. You can do whatever you want as long as I am here to bail you out of jail every time," I joked, and she sighed. "But just don't kill anyone," I said, making her chuckle. "Killing is haram in Islam," she looked at me, and I nodded. "Of course it is," I replied, my eyes fixed on the road.

"Do you want to go to the hospital or home?" I glanced at her to see her staring at me. "Home. Take me home," she replied, and I nodded. "Yes, ma'am," I said, making her smile.

"Mr. Min," she called out, looking at me, and I hummed in return. "Thanks for saving me again," she smiled, making me smile. "Isn't it my responsibility? You are my wife," I replied, and she nodded, looking out of the window.

"I want to meet my parents," she said, looking out of the window, making me glance at her. "I can drop you there if you want," I glanced at her, and she nodded. I turned the car, driving towards her parents' house. I knew everything about her. Nazli told me her address once.

I stopped the car in front of the house, and she got out. I followed her. I didn't trust her father. I walked behind her as we entered this medium-sized cozy house. It was the one we had back then when my parents were alive. We walked into what seemed like the living room of the house.

Her father was sitting on the couch. It was my first time meeting him. Only his father was present here. His eyes flared up when he looked at us. "What are you doing here? There is no place for you in here," he glared at Yazia, making her lower her head. "You embarrassed me again," he added, getting up from the couch. I took my hands out of my pockets, making sure I was ready for anything. "Baba," I heard Yazia's voice crack. "Don't call me Baba, you murderer. You killed your own husband so you can be with your lover," he spat, making Yazia gasp. That was harsh.

Qa'id Mutalaq ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora