Thirty four

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"I felt really sad after I heard about uncle," Zaim said as he pulled the string on the bow, closing one eye and shooting the arrow towards the moving apple, hitting it perfectly. "We don't have control over anything. Do we?" I shot an arrow towards the target, hitting it right in the head. I pulled another arrow from the holder tied behind my back. "I could only try my best," I said, shooting another arrow. "It's weird. Even baba didn't know about the pacemaker. He hid it from everyone," Zaim said, and I hummed, sighing. Pacemaker!!

I was about to shoot another arrow, but I lowered the bow when realization hit me like a truck. I could've saved my father. I basically killed him."Zaim," I looked at him, making him lower his bow as he looked at me. "What's wrong?" he asked, and I breathed heavily. "Take me to the hospital. Take me to Doctor Tanju," I said, throwing the bow away as I walked towards the gates of the farmhouse. "At least tell me what is wrong?" he asked. "I will tell you, but first take me to the hospital," I urged, and he sighed.

"Okay, get in," he hopped in the car, and I did the same. He started the car, and we drove off. "Now, care to tell me what happened?" he asked, and I couldn't control my tears. "He killed my father in front of me, Zaim. He used a defibrillator on my father. My father had a pacemaker implanted in his chest. He used a defibrillator on him," I ranted, and he looked at me with widened eyes.

"He can get arrested for that, and they can seize the hospital. Do you realize this?" asked Zaim, and I nodded. "I don't care, Zaim. I don't care. He killed my father," I raised my voice at the youngster. He nodded with a sigh. "We are here, but promise me. You will control yourself?" he asked, and I got out of the car without replying.

No way I was going to control myself. That man just killed my father. I barged into the hospital looking for Tanju.


"Nazli," I ran up to the girl who I luckily found. "Zaim," she smiled at me, and I brushed it off. "Now is not the time to smile. Yazia is going to kill that Tanju. She is furious," I said, and her smile fell. "What?" she raised her voice, and I nodded. "Get her husband. Only he can control her. You know what happens when we try to interfere," I held my cheek, still remembering the slap I received from Yazia. Nazli placed her hand over my mouth, hiding her smiling face.

"Stop smiling, idiot. Where is that man?" I started walking through the corridors of the hospital, searching for Mr. Min Yoongi. "Open the first door from the right side," Nazli yelled, and I sighed, twisting the doorknob, revealing the intimidating man. I was hella scared of him, to be honest. He looked scary. He raised his head with a glare, and he probably recognized me. "What do you want?" his cold voice filled with authority.

"Yazia," I panted and got up from his chair. "What's wrong with her?" he asked with a worried expression. He was too tall and muscular. His sharp facial features complimented his figure perfectly. What the heck was I doing? Am I really explaining how this man looks like?

"Cat caught your tongue?" he looked at me with his siren eyes, and I gulped. "Yazia is going to kill Tanju," I managed to speak. "What?" he was in disbelief. "Move," he pushed me away, running through the corridors of the hospital, and I struggled to catch up with his speed. Oh my god. I am such an old man.


I barged into Tanju's office to see Yazia standing in front of Tanju while panting. By looking at the confused face of Tanju, I am guessing that she just came here. "Yazia," I held her hand, but she yanked it away. "What kind of man are you?" she said in a low, dangerous voice. She was back to her fiery self. "Excuse me?" Dr. Tanju looked at her. "Dr. Yazia, I guess you forgot you are talking to your senior," he added, his voice serious.

"Senior my foot," she spat, glaring into his eyes. "You killed my father. You used a defibrillator on him knowing he had a pacemaker," she roared, and my eyes widened. What?!

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