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"Who came here today?"I folded my sleeves and everyone lowered their heads I remarked, as the guard spoke in a low voice, "Minhee came."

"Explains almost everything," I mumbled.

"And you let her in," I roared angrily. "Even after I told you not to." I glared at them.

"She didn't listen to us. After Madame Min saw her, she let her in," he explained, making me groan.

"I will not let this slide next time. No one will allow her in this mansion again. Do you get that?" I raised my voice, and then bowed. "Yes, sir," they said in unison.

"Victor, get me the CCTV footage of the lobby," I commanded. He nodded and ran to retrieve the footage.

track down that Minhee. Cut all ties with her father. Make sure they suffer.

bro, you seem pissed off after such a long time. Alright, don't worry about it.

I sighed, closing my phone. I looked over the balcony of our room to see her staring at me. My lips curved up in a smile as I saw her. She tied her hair up in a bun and covered her head with the hood of her hoodie.

She glanced at me before sighing. Whatever she said today, I knew it wasn't her speaking. Someone had brainwashed her. But I also wondered who that person is. Yazia isn't someone who is easy to brainwash. I could understand the seriousness of the matter as soon as she asked for a divorce. It took everything in me not to completely destroy this mansion and not to kill that Minhee.

I hated how everyone was trying to mess with our relationship. How everyone was targeting her. They were targeting her because they don't have enough guts to stand in front of me.

"Sir, the CCTV footage," Victor handed me the CD, and I looked at Yazia with a gentle smile. I am going to make everything right. I will not let you leave because of any misunderstanding because we will both regret our decisions later.

Victor brought my laptop, and I started playing the footage. I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw Yazia talking to Minhee. Minhee turned her phone towards Yazia. I zoomed in on the phone screen, and my eyes widened. It was me with Areum. That girl was stalking me.

I saw how Yazia broke into tears when Minhee left. I looked up at the balcony to see Yazia looking at me. Her hands clenched into a fist. She knows what I am doing. I wonder how many lies she fed Yazia, and the worst part was I lied to Yazia that time. I was planning a surprise for her with Areum. Areum works in an orphanage. The same orphanage in which I grew up. I was discussing adoption with her. I wanted to surprise Yazia, but I guess it backfired on me.

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. I ran upstairs to our room to see Yazia sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Are you happy now? You've seen everything. I wonder what lie will you feed me now. For how long have you been fooling me, Yoongi?" she said as she got up, standing in front of me.

"Yazia, I..." I huffed in frustration as my phone rang. We both looked at the caller ID. Minhee. Yazia scoffed, and I tightened my grip on my phone.

"See, another girl is calling. You might want to take it before she gets angry with you," she said, trying to walk away, but I held her arm, making her stand in front of me again.

"You are not going anywhere," I muttered, and she yanked her arm away.

"Yes, I am. You don't control me, Min Yoongi. If you can go and hang around with girls and lie when I call you, then I also have the right to do so," she spat, making my blood boil.

"Oh, so now you are going to hang around with boys?" I raised my eyebrows, and she rolled her eyes.

"It doesn't concern you," she glared at me, and I pulled her closer to me.

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