Chapter Eighteen

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"It's unfair. You should tell Zayn everything," he said, causing me to lower my head. "I am scared. He respects me so much. I am scared that he will hate me," I said in a low voice.

"My dear, you have to overcome this fear. If you don't overcome those fears, they will eat you away. It will destroy everyone's life. It's better if he hears it from you than if anyone else tells him," he spoke, and I looked at him. "I can't live with him, Dr. Adil. I don't like him," I tried to hold back my tears, and he nodded.

"I know. I know, dear, but this is how life is. Unfair! Life is really unfair. It doesn't care about how kind-hearted or how soft you are. Life gives you the biggest heartbreaks to teach you some of the best and valuable lessons," he smiled, and I nodded.

"I just want everything to end soon," I looked at my hands. "I want to get a divorce," I looked up at him, and he shook his head.

"The decision is yours, but choose wisely," he said, and I nodded. "I should leave now," I got up, and he nodded. I walked out of the room and fixed my lab coat. I tucked my hands in the pockets of my coat and walked towards checking on patients.

I know I am all alone. I am all alone fighting with life, and I will not give up because that's not what I was taught. I will fight until victory is mine. I will fight for myself. I will fight for my happiness.

I smiled brightly at the patients and started checking on them. I saw Nazli in the corridor. She looked at me and ran to me. "What's it, Nazli?" I asked, and she breathed heavily. "You owe me an explanation. I don't understand how you could act so rashly. You are Yazia. You never let your emotions control you," she said, and I sighed.

"I am tired, Nazli," I started walking, and she followed me. "Hoseok called. Mr. Min has gone nuts. He has destroyed his whole mansion. He has beaten up his guards badly," she said, making me stop. I looked at her with a shocked look. "Is he mentally sick?" I asked, making her chuckle.

"You made him mentally sick, Yazia," she looked at me, making me smile sarcastically. "Yeah, I did everything wrong," I rolled my eyes, and she chuckled. "You guys need to talk," she said, and I shook my head. "There is nothing to talk about," I shook my head and looked away.

"Anyways, Mr. Jung is coming, and this time we will have a serious meeting," she clinged on my arm, making me chuckle. "Dr. Ferman, you, me, and Mr. Jung," she said, and I nodded. "Let's check on the remaining patients, then we can have a break," I said, and she nodded.


"Yoongi," I said firmly, holding onto his arm and guiding him to sit on the couch. He had wreaked havoc throughout the mansion, almost killing two of his guards. "What's wrong with you, man?" I asked, pushing my hair back as he panted heavily. His lack of tears only added to the gravity of the situation.

"She is married, Hoseok. I can't accept it. I can't-" his voice cracked, and he sighed, running his hands through his wet hair, his chest heaving. "Nazli said she loves me. Why is she married?" he yelled, gripping his hair tightly. "I am going to lose my mind. That man stays in the same room with her, looks at her, talks to her, listens to her voice, touches her. I am going to kill that man. How could she ever marry someone?" He stood up, panting, pacing back and forth.

"She talked to me this morning. She was hurt. Her voice was filled with hatred. I couldn't handle it. It pained me. She never talked to me like that," he was on the verge of tears. "HOSEOK, DAMN IT, PLEASE TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED WHILE I WAS GONE," he stood in front of me, and I sighed.

"Where were you, Yoongi?" I asked, and he bit his lip. "She needed you the most, and you were gone," I said, and he sat on the floor, leaning against the couch. "I was in the UAE," he said, and I looked up at him, eyebrows furrowed.

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