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"You need to take extra care of her, Yoongi," Ferman sat on his chair, and I nodded. "You can consider her pregnancy as a miracle. Because of getting shot, her uterus was damaged and was very weak. There might be chances of miscarriage if you don't take care of her properly. Make sure she stays away from any kind of stress," he said, and I sighed. "Make sure to take care of my brilliant assistant," he smiled, making me chuckle. "Don't worry," I assured as I leaned my back against the chair, sighing.

"I am worried about her. I am not able to focus on my work knowing she is all alone in the mansion," I sighed as I caressed my lower lip with my index finger. "Don't worry. The first three months won't be a problem, but I suggest you take a leave after three months," he placed his arms on the table, and I nodded. "I'll ask Hoseok to handle the company till then," I muttered, and he nodded.

"I should get going now. She must be waiting for me," I got up as I looked at the wall clock. "Okay buddy, but make sure to bring her for check-ups frequently," he said, and I nodded.

I walked out of the hospital after bidding Ferman goodbye. My phone rang, and I looked at the screen. My lips curved upwards as I saw the caller ID. I swiped on the screen, placing the phone against my ear. "Yes, darling?" I smiled.

"Yoongi, I am waiting for you. I am hungry," she complained, making me chuckle.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. I am on my way," I got in the car.

"Oh good. Bring some pastries, ice cream, and chips," she demanded, and I smiled.

"Anything else, your majesty?" I asked, and I heard her chuckle from the other side.

"No, nothing else. I just want my husband back soon," she said, making me laugh as my cheeks heated up.

"Don't worry, darling. I'll be there in a few minutes," I replied.

"Ok, bye," she chimed, hanging up.

I chuckled, shaking my head as I started the car.


"Not there, Leo, a bit lower," I looked at the cat, and he lowered his paws, massaging my abdomen. I giggled at its cute actions. "You are actually punching my stomach. It's right here," I held its paws, placing them on my abdomen, and he continued to massage. "Never mind. You should just cuddle with me," I grabbed Leo, placing him beside me and wrapping my arms around him. I placed kisses on his head, and I could clearly see he was irritated but didn't do anything. Ah, my baby.

"Okay, you can go now," I laughed, placing him back on the floor, and he ran away for dear life. I broke into laughter as I laid back on the bed. I looked at the ceiling while smiling. I can't wait to have a baby bump and feel the baby's movements.

I placed my hand on my tummy. I am so eager. You are just one month old. When will this time pass? I got up from the bed, walking onto the balcony. When will Mr. Min come? I tucked a hair strand behind my ear. I smiled and jumped excitedly when I saw Yoongi's car pull into the mansion's driveway.

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