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"Good Y/N! You're getting the hang of this," Joshua says as you strum the guitar he gave you. He smiles encouragingly. His hair is too long and falls in his eyes meaning he's constantly brushing it away.

He sits next to you in a dance studio at the back in a couple of chairs. He sits close and reaches out to correct where your fingers lay on the guitar strings.

"Thanks. Still having trouble with some of the song though," You reply.

When you first came to Korea you couldn't believe it when you managed to meet your favourite group, Seventeen. Ever since, Joshua has been teaching you how to play the guitar. Out of all of the boys he is the one you are closest to.

"Here. Try it like this."

He leans over and puts his arm around your shoulders until his hand meets yours at the end of the guitar. He arranges your fingers to match the chord you were attempting to play. You can feel his heart beat and the warmth from him through the clothing.

"There you go."

It startles you how close his face is to yours. His voice is loud in your ear.

"Th-thanks. Again."

"No problem. Come on let's go get something to drink."

You always had coffee or something together after your lessons. It was the only time you had together alone.

You leave the studio with him and you feel a wave of sadness as you realize it's your last day here. With him.

You walk along and alley way out of the side of the studio. Suddenly Joshua stops and turns to you.

"You really are leaving tomorrow, aren't you?" He says quietly not quite looking you in the eye.

"Yeah, I have to."

"No you don't," He replies and he pulls you into a tight hug, pinning you up against the wall. You can feel him burying his face into your neck and you stand there shocked. He's never hugged you before.

"Please Y/N. Don't go. We all like you here. You could stay with us." He whispers in your ear.

You hug him back, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry. I-I have to go home."

"You're home could be here. With us.....With me," He pulls back but keeps his arms around your waist. He looks right at you with his sad, dark eyes.

"Joshua... I can't, you know I can't. I'm sorry," Your voice cracks as you speak the words and you realise just how much he meant to you.

He sighs and you swear you could see his eyes getting wetter.

"I guess I have to say goodbye then," He says.

"What do you mean?" You reply.

"Y/N..." He leans in, "I don't think you understand how much you mean to me. I was intrigued by you the first time I saw you. Why do you think I offered those guitar lessons?" He smiles his small smile, the kind that makes your heart race.

You can't help but stare, completely dumbfounded.

He laughs a little, "I am really going to miss you, Y/N. Your wonderful weirdness always makes me laugh."

His smile fade, "Y/N..." He leans in further and kisses you gently.

After he pulls back he lets his arms fall away from your waist and turns his head away from you.

You smile and put a hand on his cheek turning his head toward you.

"You know what? I think I've found a reason to stay."

At first he just looks at you. After a second his face breaks into a huge grin and hugs you so hard your feet lift off the ground. He puts you down again and puts his forehead against yours.

"You are so weird," he says and kisses you again this time more excitedly.

"Get used to it," You reply, grinning like an idiot, and you both walk out.

"Oh I will. I'm not planning on you ever threatening to leave me again..."

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