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Imagine for wellos, cshyam2714

"Let's go shopping." You stated. Your head was on currently resting on your boyfriend, Seungcheol's lap as you enjoyed a cozy Saturday in your house. You both wore long sweaters as you cuddled under a blanket together. You could hear the rain lapping against the windows and roof.

"Now?" Seungcheol's voice cut throw the rain and his arms pulled you closer to him, conserving heat.

"Why not?" Your voice was soft and Seungcheol had to lean in closer to hear what you were saying.

"Because it's raining," He pulled away and stroked your hair away from your face. You just continued to stare at him, to which he returned.


"We'll be wet all day..." He trailed off and looked off into the distance before he brought his eyes back to your face, "I don't have any other excuse, let's just go."

"Really?" You sat up and faced him, a smile on your face. It had been a while since you'd gone out and done normal couple things as Seungcheol had been touring with the rest of Seventeen, but now they were on a well deserved hiatus.

"Sure, let's go out now because it already getting late," Seungcheol's arms that were already on your waist loosened and he looked out the window. You followed his gaze to see the sky already turning dark.

"Yes!" You hopped out of his lap and ran across the laminated floor towards your shared bedroom. Your feet covered with fluffy socks slid on the floor and Seungcheol, who was standing behind you, grabbed your arm and steadied you, "Thank you."

You looked over your shoulder and Seungcheol slid his hand from your arms down to your hand, linking your fingers together, "I know you're excited, but be careful," he rubbed his fingers across the back of your hand.

"I will," You smiled at him and he leaned in and kissed your forehead.

You grabbed your shoes and sat on the end of your beds and reached to tie up your shoes. While tying one of your shoes on a hand came down on your other. Seungcheol tugged on both end of your lace and quickly tied them, giving you a smile before standing up and grabbing your rain coats. He motioned for you turn around and he helped you get into your coat.

"I can dress myself, you know?" You said as you watched him put on his and join you where you stood at the front door.

"I know, but I like helping you," He grabbed one of the many umbrellas you owned and pulled you out into the pouring rain. He put up the umbrella and you started to walk to the nearest shopping centre, which wasn't far as you lived in the city centre.

Once inside one of the shopping centres, Seungcheol grabbed your hand and pulled you so that your body was up against his. You yelped a little in surprise.

"I want people to know we're a couple."

"But, your fans-"

"Let's just think about us, okay?" He wraps his arms around your shoulder, guiding you away from the busy late night shoppers that weren't looking where they were going.

"Okay," You smiled over at him and he returned it, "Want to get some coffee then go shopping?"

He nodded and you silently made your way over to the nearest coffee shop.

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