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Imagine for IdekMalum

It's your first time alone in Korea and you have no idea where to go. You start to question whether coming here was really worth it. You had just arrived the previous day and you're wandering lost through some streets filled with people. Being alone in the city scares you.

As you walk through a street filled with cafés and shops something catches your feet. You being to fall over only to be caught by strong arms.

"Oh tha-" you being to say thank you before realizing that they won't understand you.

A warm voice laughs. "Don't worry. You can speak English with me" it says in an American accent.

He's holding you by the arms, your head faces toward the floor. You look up and see a kind face very close to yours. An extremely cute face too.

You straighted yourself up and try to regain your dignity.

"Thank you."

You try to walk away to save yourself the embarrassment but he catches you by the arm again.

"You're lost, aren't you?"

" well kinda"

He laughs again. Its an very pleasant sound and you find yourself smiling with him.

He looks at you, still smiling.

"I'm Joshua. I can show you around if you like. It might help you to get to know the area better"

"I'm Y/N. And yes please." His smile really was infectious, you can't just help yourself.

He guides you through the busy streets and he points out his favourite shops, his face lighting up with excitement. He hand gestures wildly when he talks about the history of a
certain place or why he liked that particular café. His chocolate brown eyes widen and his soft voice speaks hurridly. He occasionally glances at you to make sure you're still paying attention and every time he does, you feel your heart skip a beat.

It was ridiculous to feel this way about someone you just met but there was something about him...

You find it easy to open up to him and you talk to him about your life back home, and about your friends and past relationships. His expression was understanding when you talk about your last failed relationship.

Eventually you see the light of the sun fading and you realize you spent all day wandering the roads with Joshua.

"Oh! Its getting late." You say.

"So it is."

For some reason he seems a little down by this prospect. By this time you were both standing on a bridge over a beautiful pond in some sort of park. The stars reflected themselves in it and the light of them shine on his face.

"Did you enjoy today?" He asks

"Yes. I'm so glad I met you I learned so much. I think I'll be able to get around easier now"

"Yeah." Is all he says in reply

Silence falls between you both. You place your hands on the bridge. Suddenly he grabs your hand and holds it loosely in his fingers.

"Y/N... I'm really glad I got to know you today and I'd really like to see you again... But... It would be hard for me."

You dont understand. What was he talking about?

"What? I mean we could easily meet up again. I know I'm free."

"I'm... Not. I guess you could say I have a job that keeps me moving around a lot. So this might be the only time I'd get to spend with you."

He looks at you intensely with his dark eyes. You feel a sudden wave of sadness and you suddenly can't bear the thought of never seeing him again.

"Ar-are you sure?" You say and then cringe at how desperate you sound.

By this time you had wandered of the bridge and into the streets again. He still held your hand.

His phone buzzes in his pocket. He checks it with his other hand then outs it away again.

"I'm sure. I have to go."

Before you say anything he swoops in and gives you a light kiss.

"Goodbye" he whispers and turns to walk away.

He turns around a corner and disappears.

"Goodbye." You whisper. You can still the sensation of his fingers in your hand.

You turn and start to walk back but something catches your eye. Its a poster of a recent band called Seventeen. In the dim light you only recognize one very familiar face.


You have no idea why you do this or whether it would achieve anything but you spin around and run in the direction he went in.

And for the second time that day you trip over your own feet and fall only to be caught yet again.

"You really need to be more careful"
He says.

Several different emotions run through you. First complete joy then annoyance.

"Why didn't you tell me you were in a Kpop band?!?"

"Because... Lots of people recognize me but you were the first who didn't. And I wanted to be a normal guy for once." He smiles.

"Why did you come back?" You ask still unable to believe it.

"I wanted to tell you the truth. And... Because I really really like your company. So I would like to formally ask you out without having to catch you falling to make it happen."

He smiles his warm smile.

"You're really confusing." But you can't help but smile.

"I'll take that as a yes..."

He leans in and kisses softly you and you know that coming to Korea was totally worth it.

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