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Imagine for NikaCumlat

"Y/N, are you ready to go?"

You turn around to see Joshua's excited face staring back at you. You were checking your hair in the mirror and he was staring outside your bedroom door.

You smile back at him.

"Hold on a sec...... Okay let's go." You check your hair one more time and walk over to him.

You have both been planning this day out for ages. Since he and Seventeen debuted he hasn't had enough time to spend with you, his old friend. You've both been best friends for years.

You walk outside your apartment and you both immediately head for the music shop in town. It was your favourite one, stocked full with old guitars and all the latest albums and records.

You both talk and mess around like usual. You laugh about your school days together. You look across the street near to where your shop is, when you see someone who looked very familiar. No, you think. No way is he here.

"Hey, remember when-." He starts to say but you interrupt him with an excited squeal.

"What? What is it?" He looks worried.

"Its Tao!" You yell.

"What?!" He says, his gaze following the direction of yours. His eyes widen when he sees Tao, who is just casually wandering around.

"I love his new single! Do you think he'll sign something for me?" You stare in Taos direction, but you can see Joshua looking at you from the corner of your eye.

"Yeah, maybe."

"You don't sound very enthusiastic. I thought you liked Exo?" You look back at him and you see he looks kinda down.

"No, I'm fine. I'm sure he'll sign something for you." He smiles halfheartedly at you.

You grin at him and half run half walk to the shop Tao just walked into. It was a clothing shop and he was in the corner, trying on hats. You hang around near him, hoping you'll somehow grab his attention. You walk past some t-shirts hanging on a rack and you manage to send them crashing down.

"Ah, crap." You bend down to pick them up but you see another pair of hands are already doing that for you. You look up to see Tao looking at you, a smile on his face. Well, it was more of a smirk.

"You should really be more careful." He says.

You just gape at him, before gulping and nodding. He puts the t-shirts back and turns to you.

"So, what's your name, cutie?" He asks.

You open your mouth to answer but then a voice comes up behind you.

"Y/N? Ah, there you are, I was looking all over for-." It was Joshua who stops short when he sees Tao.

"Um, this is Joshua." You say, to Tao as you really didn't know what else to say.

Tao turns to you.

"And you're Y/N. How about we go out to get coffee? You seem traumatized from the T-shirt incident." He says. He bites his lip and looks at you with flirty eyes. It takes you a minute to realize he was joking but you jump at the opportunity.

"Yes, I need it." You attempt to flirt back. He smirks at you.

"Good. Let me get changed and I'll meet you in the nearest café to here. Maybe you should think about changing too. Got it?" He gives you a small wink. You nod and he leaves.

"Wow." You say, breathlessly.

"What just happened?" You jump when Joshua speaks. You had all but forgotten he was there.

"I just got asked out by Tao." You still gaze in the direction that Tao left in. Joshua steps in front of you.

"Yes but he wasn't really polite about it." You see Joshua, looking almost irritated.

"Who cares? At least I can say I went out with Tao. I have to go and get changed." You didn't really see what was wrong with your outfit but you wanted to impress Tao.

"But what about us? I mean, what about our day?" You look up at him and you can see he actually looks upset.

"Joshua..." You don't really what to say.

"Can you come with me for a minute?" You nod and he gently takes your hand leading you out the shop. You lead over to a nearby park and you both sit on a bench. He still holds your hand but he looks down at his feet.

"Y/N you can go with him if you want, but I want you to keep something in mind." He says, his voice soft. He looks up at you and smiles.

"What is it?" You ask. He suddenly looks worried.

"Um, never mind. I just want you to be happy. Okay? Now go and have fun." He says but you're not convinced. He tries to get off the bench put you pull him back down.

"Tell me, Joshua. I can see you're upset." You say but he stays quiet. You sigh.

Suddenly, in one swift movement he gets up and pulls you off the bench. He wraps his arms around your waist and holds you tightly to him. He puts his head on your shoulder, his face facing your neck.

"I lied, Y/N. I dont want you to go with him. I want you to stay here with me. I want you to stay because I wanted to use this day to tell you something. Something I should have said a long time ago."

You shakily put your arms around him. You feel your heart beat increase.

"What's wrong, Joshua?"

He pulls back and looks right into your eyes.

"I was jealous of you and him in there. Mostly him. I could how easily he could ask you out when I could never get the courage to do it."

You stay silent and you can see the hope leave his eyes. He pulls his arms away from you and sighs heavily.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-."

"Shush." You say.

He looks at you, incredibly confused.

"What is it?"

"I'm trying to think of all the best places to go out around here. There really isn't a lot-." He cuts you off by cupping your cheek him his soft hand and gently pressing his lips to yours.

"Y/N, you are honestly the most wonderful person in the world." He says after pulling away.

You stand, shocked after the kiss.

"Well, I wouldn't say that. But I think we might have to tell Tao that I have already got a date. Besides I don't think he would be the best date ever."

"He was really rude to you. You look great the way you are, in my opinion."

You grin at him and he smiles back, his eyes full of affection for you. He takes your hand and you both walk to the coffee shop.

You just could not wait to see the shocked look on Taos face when you show off your new boyfriend.

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