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Imagine for baekyeoltho4, NoDreamsNoJams88

You stand in front of your open wardrobe, your hands holding the double doors wide open. You peer inside, looking for something to wear to a job interview you had that day.  

Well, you say job interview, it was more like applying to be a model. An actual clothes model for your local branded clothes store. You already had an agent who had set you up with the manager of the whole company. She was good at what she does but she always treated you harshly, pushing you to do things you never really wanted to do, causing you to feel stressed almost 24/7

"Well, bum." You mutter to yourself as the scan the small amount of clothes you own.

You didn't have much money, and most of what you had was going toward the rent of the small apartment you lived in with your best friend Jeonghan. The reason you had decided to model was to earn some extra cash for the both of you, without him even knowing about it.

You pull out a niceish dress that your mother bought you last year and hold it up against yourself. The small mirror that was attached to the inside of the wardrobe for reflected your own image of you holding the dress back at you. It clearly didn't fit at all, and you winced a little.

"Strike one." You say quietly, assuming Jeonghan was still asleep in his room.

You sigh and put the dress back in the wardrobe. You take out a nice top and a skirt press them up against yourself. You groan in frustration as it also clear doesn't fit anymore.

You drop them both to the floor and sit down on your bed, your head in your hands. You felt like crying in frustration and a few tears slip out and trail down your face, even though you tried hard to keep them in.

"Hey Y/N, is there any- hey, are you okay?"

You look up to see Jeonghan standing in the doorway. You wipe your eyes quickly give him a smile.

"Hey. I'm fine, don't worry about it." You say, waving your hand in a dismissive gesture.

"You don't look fine." His face is concerned and his gaze goes to the clothes crumpled on the floor. "What happened here?"

You hesitate for a second. "I was just looking for some clothes. I, uh, have an interview today." You mumble.

"And interview? For what?" Jeonghan looks down at you.

"A job. To be a model actually. You know, trying to earn some extra cash." You laugh, trying to sound light hearted, but it comes out more like gurgling.

"Wow, really? That's cool." He walks over to you from the doorway and sits next to you on the bed. "So why are you upset?"

"Because I can't do it!" You cry out, startling him slightly. "I'm sorry, it's just... I can't find anything to wear."

Jeonghan raises his eyebrows at you and you suddenly realised how stupid you sounded.

"No, I mean... I wanted to be a model and I can't even find any clothes that fit me. I just wanted to help out with the rent I can't even do the simplest of things to help. I just feel useless." You place your head in your hands again.

There's silence for a moment. Then, Jeonghan's hand trails up your back and wraps around your shoulders. He pulls you to him, letting your head fall onto his shoulder. His other hand tangles itself in your hair as he strokes it, relaxing you. The frustrated tears stop and you sheepishly look up at him.

"Um. Thanks." You mutter.

"Please don't cry." Jeonghan mumbles. He leans his head on top of yours and you can feel his soft hair brushing your cheek. "If you cry, I'll cry, and that is not pretty."

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