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Imagine for MeraXoxoQiqi

You look at yourself in the long mirror that's attached to your bedroom wall. You have a date with a boy from school that you've been wanting to go on for ages. It's cold outside so you were wearing a long knitted sweater, the sleeves covering your hands and laced boots.

You grip the ends of your sweater and look at yourself from different angles. You don't know if this is good enough. Will he think you didn't try hard enough? You rooll your eyes at yourself and focus on the person in the background of your reflection.

"Seokmin, are you sure I look okay?" You run around with a sigh, straightening the front of your top.

Seokmin looks up at you. "Y/N, how many times do I have to say it? Everything you wear looks good." He smiles and then goes back to looking at his phone.

"Yeah, but what if he doesn't like it?" You sit yourself done on the bed next to where Seokmin is sitting.

"I don't know, why you're trying so hard? He's not even that nice of a guy." He switches his phone off and places it on the bed beside him.

You scrunch your eyebrow at him. "What do you mean? He's nice to me." You cross your arms.

"Fine, but don't come running to me when his true colours show." He leans back on the bard and crosses his legs. You crawl over to him and lay down beside him. You and Seokmin have been friends for what felt like forever and doing simple acts like this didn't seem to bother the both of you.

"I'll be careful. I won't let some man control me." You whisper staring at the ceiling, twiddling your fingers.

Without any warning Seokmin sits up straight, looking away from you. You slowly sit up and lean back, your arm supporting you. You each out and touch his back. "Are you okay?"

It's takes him a second to reply. He shakes himself and your hand slips away. He turns to you with a lob sided smile on his lips. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why'd you ask? Anyway, it's getting late and you should get going on your 'date'."

He reaches over and messed your hair. You bat his hands away and finally he stops. "What made you do that? I have to do my hair again now." You laugh straightening out your hair.

He takes a few strands between his fingers. "You look fine." He quickly withdraws his hand and coughs. He swings his long legs off the bed and walks towards your bedroom door. He puts on his winter jacket and a scarf. "I better be going. I'll see you later. Tell me how it's goes, okay?"

"Okay, I'll talk to you later." He walks out the door, but suddenly opens it again.

"Where did you say you were going again?" He raises an eyebrow.

"The coffee shop in town, you know the one. Why?" You give him a confused look.

"Oh, no reason." He gives you a reassuring smile and leaves.

You have another hour before you have to go, so you apply light make up and paint your nails, which you fail incredibly. You seem to get it everywhere bar your actual nails.

By the time you'd finally painted your nails it's time to leave. You look at yourself one more time in the mirror, to make sure. You smile and walk out the front door.

You were immediately hit with the icy cold of the night. Maybe you should get a scarf? You look at the house and then shrug, like usual it was to much hassle so you walk away into the cold night.

You grip your hands tightly around the straps of your bag. You look around at all the couples cuddling to keep warm and you envied them. You look at the ground while you walk to the café.

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