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Imagine for serendipity_1225

Look at this cute shiet^

Soonyoung sits up slowly in his bed, scratching the back of his head. He yawns loudly and stretches, his shirt riding up in the process. He pulls it down and gets out of bed.

"Soonyoung! Are you up?!" His mother yells up from downstairs to him. "You're late!"

Soonyoung looks over to the digital clock on his bedside table and groans. He was definitely late.

"Coming!" He yells back down to his mother.

He hurriedly runs over to his wardrobe, pulling off his t-shirt as he ran. He found his school uniform and pulled it on. He starts to run toward the stairs but catches sight of his reflection in the hallway mirror. His hair is sticking up like a birds nest and he desperately tries to smooth it down.

"Soonyoung?" His mother walks halfway up the stairs and spots him looking at himself in the mirror. "Hurry up and have breakfast, Seokmin will be here soon!"

Seokmin was Soonyoung's best friend and he always came by Soonyoung's house in the morning to walk with him to school. They've been friends since they were children but they were quite different regarding personality. Soonyoung had only recently noticed this difference as Seokmin was always the happy, optimistic type whereas Soonyoung had become more pessimistic and moody. But he'd also noticed that he only felt this way when he was away from Seokmin and his best friend always made him happy, though he wasn't sure why.

So, when he hears the knock on the door that signals his arrival, Soonyoung's face breaks into a grin.

He runs down the rest of the stairs and yanks the front door open, revealing a grinning Seokmin.

"Hey! You ready to go?" Seokmin says brightly, adjusting the strap of his backpack on his shoulder.

"Yeah, let's go." Soonyoung replies, picking up his own backpack from the floor by the door. "Bye mom!" He calls out into the house.

"Wait! You didn't eat brea-"

Soonyoung cuts off his mother by closing the front door sharply. He starts briskly walking down the street, with Seokmin behind him, running to catch up.

"What was that about?" He asks Soonyoung.

Soonyoung shrugs. "Nothing. Just don't want to be late."

Seokmin gives him a sympathetic smile. "Again."

Soonyoung sighs. Him and Seokmin had been turning up to school later and later due to Soonyoung's shrinking motivation towards attending. He hadn't been doing well in school lately so he basically couldn't be bothered to work at all.

"Yeah, again." Soonyoung looks down at the ground, his happy mood evaporating.

Seokmin suddenly runs around so he's standing in front of Soonyoung. Soonyoung stops short, nearly head butting Seokmin.

"Hey." Seokmin says. He places his hands on Soonyoung's shoulders and looks him in the eyes. "Why don't we skip school completely today?"

Soonyoung felt immediately surprised. Seokmin has always been the goody-two-shoes type in school and Soonyoung couldn't imagine him doing anything like this.

"Wh-what? Really?" Soonyoung stutters.

Seokmin shrugs. "Sure, why not? You look like you need it." He grins and stands back next to Soonyoung, throwing an arm around his shoulders.

"Where should we go?" Soonyoung asks as they both start to slowly walk down the street, very aware of Seokmin's gaze on him.

Seokmin thinks for a moment and then grins at his friend.

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