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Imagine for Crazy_Byuntae

You open your eyes slowly, blinking rapidly in the sudden light. You stretch and turn your head to see your boyfriend, Hansol, sleeping quietly next to you. His arm his draped across your stomach and the other hangs off the end of the bed. You wiggle out and accidently wake him up.

"Y/N? You awake?" He says, groaning. His eyes slowly open and he stretches, scratching the back of his head. You feel a thrill go through you. It always happens when you're the first thing he thinks of when he wakes up. You grin to yourself.

"Yeah, I'm up. I'm gonna make breakfast, you catch a few more minutes of sleep alright?" You whisper to him.

He closes his eyes and puts his head back on the pillow, yawning.

"If you insist." He mutters sleepily. You sit up and kiss his head, causing a smile to appear on his face.

You get out of bed and grabs some clothes. You get changed quickly and head for the kitchen, still grinning like an idiot.

You decide to make pancakes since they were your favourite. You start to get all the ingredients out when you hear the tinkling sound of a phone going off. You look around and see Hansol's phone lying there. You pause for a moment and decide to check it out. It might be news from the other boys that you can pass onto him later. And its not you've never seen his messages before.

You press the button and the phone lights up. The message you see makes your heart clench in fear.

Hope to see you soon! Did you tell Y/N yet? Xx

You see that the message is from a girl, which makes the whole situation worse. The screen fades to black but you still stare at it, thinking all an excuse any excuse of why your boyfriend would get a text like that from a girl. Apart from the obvious of course. Could he really be cheating on you?

You walk back to the table where your ingredients are, shaking your head. Of course not, your Hansol would never do that to you. It has to he something else. But you can't shake the feeling of doubt from your mind...

"Looking good already, Y/N." Says Hansol, suddenly behind you.

You jump about a foot in the air. You were so wrapped up in your thoughts that you didn't hear him.

"Hey! You scared me!" You laugh shakily, trying to act casual.

"Sorry. Mmmm pancakes?" He asks hopefully. He always loved your pancakes.

"Yup. So when are we going out today?" You ask, nonchalantly. You pour the batter in the pan and start to fry.

He walks over to his phone and looks at the message. His expression doesn't change at what he sees, so you feel better already. He speaks while he types a message back.

"Is after breakfast okay with you? I want to go out early today, so we can spend the day together." He says and sends the message. He puts the phone down and walks over to you. You wraps his arms around your waist, hugging you from behind while you cook.

"Who texted?" You asked. Maybe he'll give you a explanation.

"Hm? Oh, it was just Seungkwan. He was asking if we wanted to meet up with him later." He says.

You only nod in response. You finaih the pancakes and dish up. You both eat and you talk and laugh like usual. But you still feel worried, only you're trying not to show it.

After breakfast you both head out into town. As you walk around Hansol occasionally texts on his phone, which is usually nothing to worry about, but this time you panic.

"Hey, is something wrong?" He asks, after you looked anxiously toward his phone for the 100th time.

"Hansol... I need to talk to you." You say, stopping in the middle of the street. He stops and looks at you, an extremely worried look on his face. People push past you both, clearly annoyed.

"Y/N, what's wrong?"

"Not here. Come with me." You grab his hand and drag him into a nearby alley.

"Y/N, please tell me. You've been acting weird today. Have I done something?"

"I don't know yet." You mutter. He wasn't supposed to hear you but judging by the look on his face when you look up, he did.

"What does that mean?" He asks.

"I-I saw the text. From the girl. I know I shouldn't look at your phone but I was just curious! I thought it might have been one of the guys-."

"Y/N, listen to me-"

"No, you listen to me." Your voice was surprisingly strong given that you were shaking. He looks at you with wide eyes, obviously not expecting it.

"I love you. Okay? And if you have someone else, another girl, then its kinda rude to not tell me about it. I don't want to lose you, if that what you want then I'll let you go." You start crying while you speak and you look down, half cringing at what you said.

You feel his arms wrap around you and you lift your head your head up to see him. He immediately presses his lips against yours and kisses you passionately. When he pulls back you see tears in his eyes.

"I love you too. Don't ever think that I don't, because I do and I always will." He says.

"But the girl-."

He interrupts you by laughing and sliding his hands down your waist. He takes your hands and holds them loosely.

"She's nothing to me, not even I friend. I hired her." He grins mischievously at you. You stare back at him completed baffled.

"That makes literally no sense." You say.

He sighs and runs his hand through his hair.

"Y/N... She's a party planner. I hired her for a surprise party. For you, actually. I was trying to keep it a surprise."

"What? A party? What for? Why would you need a planner? What?" Several thoughts go through your head at once.

He laughs at you and pulls you close to him. He buries his head in your neck.

"Our anniversary, you adorable idiot." He whispers in your ear.

"Oh." You say and he bursts into laughter.

"It was just more convenient for me to have her number so I could talk to her about it. She's just really friendly, I guess. I wanted it to be the perfect party for you."

You feel awful guilt go through you. Your stupid paranoia nearly ruined everything.

"I am so sorry I accused you of... I'm so sorry." You whisper back, hugging him tighter.

He pulls back and grins his dorky grin at you.

"It's okay. Its good to show you care. That's why I'm giving you a party. A perfect celebration for my perfect girl." He smiles fondly at you.

"Not sure I deserve that." You grumble and he laughs again. You crack a smile.

"We'd better go. Seungkwan is gonna be really grumpy if he gets stood up." You say.

"Grumpy isn't the word. Grumpy is when we're five minutes late. Extreme annoyance is when he gets stood up."

You laugh and he takes your hand. He leads back out onto the street and you realize that you could never find anyone more amazing than him.

This one went on a bit and I wasn't sure how to end it. But, hey, hope you liked it!

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