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Imagine for Hanyeol123434

You sat on the floor of the bathroom, you shared with your best friend Minghao. You and Minghao had been living in the same apartment for over a year now, but you hardly ever saw him seeing as though he was touring with Seventeen quite a lot.

You'd been sitting on the floor for quite a while. You weren't doing anything else. You were just sitting. Sitting in pure shock. Pure pain. You didn't know whether you wanted to cry or jump around in joy.

You looked down at the item in your hand. How could it be? Is this even happening? You clenched your hands around the pregnancy test. You'd been sat like this for over an hour.

Finally you decided to actually move. It would do you no use anyway. You stood in front of the bathroom mirror and stared. Your face was pale and your hands were shaking. You turned so you were facing sideways, pulling your top up at the same time. You knew it was pointless seeing as though the baby, if you can even call it a baby yet, was less than a week old. Your hands rubbed your stomach. You couldn't believe there was a mini you in there. Then you remembered your boyfriend.

You'd only been going out with him for a couple of months. You were definitely not ready, however you had to tell him. It's not like you can keep this a secret from him. He will soon enough notice himself as time grew on. You pulled down your top and walked out of the room, grabbing your phone while you were at it. You sat on the sofa.

Again you stared at another object in your hand. You didn't want to ring him. You had a bad feeling. A really bad feeling. Half an hour passed until you actually decided to press the numbers into your keypad. Each sound of your fingers were making, made your confidence go down. Finally you pressed the ring button.

You waited and waited. On the final ring your boyfriend picked up.

"What babe? I'm busy." He talked quickly into the phone and you debated telling him or not.

"Okay, but there's something I have tell you... Are you sure you can't come around the apartment? It's really important." You heard him sigh. There was a lot of closing doors like he was trying to stop people from listening in on your conversation.

"No, I'm really busy." He huffed and you rolled your eyes. Why won't he listen to you?

"Well you're going to be quite shocked. Do you want me to tell you over the phone, really?" You rushed, cringing at what you were going to tell him.

"Y/N, I don't have the time for this. Just spit it out. You're kind of scaring me." He gave a nervous laugh.

"It's kinda hard to say... I don't know how it happened. Just remember that I love you. I-I'm pregnant." You said. Everything went silent, all you could hear was him breathing.

"Uh, a-are you sure?" He asked and you could hear the fear in his voice.

"It's pretty simple if I'm gonna be honest, you pee on a stick. I'm pretty sure it's telling me the truth." You whisper shouted.

"Hey! You don't need to get sarcastic with me! It's not like it was my fault!" He screeched.

"What?! I think you played a little part in this don't you think?! It's not all my fault!"

"Okay, but it's not like you're keeping it, right?" He said dangerously low.

"Uh, yes! I'm not killing a baby. And don't call the baby an 'it', or we're done right now."

"Well maybe it's better if we are! I don't want to have a baby! Have you ever thought about me in any of this?"

"I actually don't care right now. You're not going to be carrying 'it' around with you!" You screech, not seeing his sense.

"Well we're done!" He shouted.

"Fine." You hung up, furious tears running down your face. How dare he?! You stood up not knowing what to do. You were definitely not going to get an abortion. You turned and stood face to face with Minghao. You hadn't heard him come in. Oh god, what if he'd heard about-

"You're pregnant?" He looked at you and his eyes were full of tears. One broke away and made its way down his face. You bit your lip to stop from sobbing. You couldn't say anything so you nodded. He wiped his eyes as you calmed yourself down.

"Do you hate me?" You managed and he gave you a weird look.

"Why would I ever hate you. Are you going to keep the baby? You don't have to listen to him, by the way." He walked over to you and wiped the tears out of your eyes.

"Yes. I'm not killing off a living thing, for the sake of another person disagreeing." You tried to smile at him.

"Good." Minghao knelt down on to his knees, in front of you.

"What are you doing?" You whispered. He didn't answer. He lifted his hand hesitatingly towards your stomach. He placed his hands on it and lifted up your top. You tensed not knowing what to do, so you just let him be. Once he lifted it over your stomach, which was relatively flat at that moment in time, he leaned his forehead against it.

"Don't worry little one. I'm here and I'll always be here. More than your actual father anyway. Hold on in there. You have people that really care for you out here." He pressed his lips to your stomach and your hands automatically went to his curly hair. He smiled and looked up at you.

"Y/N, I really like you. Scarp that, I love you. I was heart broken at first when I heard you were pregnant, but that wouldn't do anything. You need support right now. I'm always going to be here. I know you literally just broke up with that douche, but give me a chance. I don't care if the babies not mine. But I want you to keep it and let me help you. Let me be his father."

"Minghao, I don't think you know what you're saying. You're not ready-"

"I'm ready, Y/N. Please, I don't want to see you with anybody else. It pains me." He reached out and cupped your face. He leaned in and kissed you. You thought it was going to be strange kissing your best friend. But it felt like it was meant to be.

For the rest of the night you sat on the sofa, discussing the future. You never thought this would happen. This day had been both bitter and sour.

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