Hansol and Jeonghan

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Imagine for minimartina

You sit on a chair, just off the set of the new Seventeen music video. You watch them dance on set, feeling awkward and extremely self conscious.

You had been offered by Pledis to be an actress for their new video and you weren't exactly sure how you felt about it. On the one hand, you were a huge fan of the boys and excited to work with them but on the other, you didn't like to be 'That Girl', the one the fans hate because you met Seventeen.

Though, you hadn't actually met them yet. They were filming when you'd arrived and they haven't stopped.

You sit there, day dreaming, gazing into the distance, when the director calls your name.

"Y/N! You're up! Get onto the set!" He barks at you.

You meekly get up from the chair and give him a nod. He points to the set, where all the boys were staring at you.

"Go stand with Jeonghan, you'll be filming with him and Hansol for a scene. I'm assuming you know who's who, since they're set as your lockscreen."

The boys laugh and you blush, glaring toward the director.

"How do you know that?" You ask him.

"I walked past you while you were on your phone. Couldn't help but notice." He gestures back to Seventeen. "Now go."

You walk over to Jeonghan who smiles at you kindly. You stand next to him, trying extremely hard not to stare at his face. The director starts talking with some of the other members about their scene.

"Hey." Jeongan says suddenly. You look at him to find he's already looking back. "Don't be nervous, it's not too difficult."

"Yeah, all you got to do is stand there and look pretty."

You turn around to see Hansol sauntering over. He holds out a hand and you take take it. He shakes your hand once and shoves his hand into his pocket. "Not too difficult." He says.

"Er, thanks?" You weren't exactly sure if he was complimenting you or not.

"No problem... uh, what's your name?" He asks.

"Her name's Y/N." Jeonghan speaks up again. He looks at you. "I heard the director call your name earlier."

"Y/N... A pretty name for a pretty-"

"Don't you think that line is a bit played out?" You cut Hansol off abruptly. His eyes widen in surprise and his cheeks turn slightly red.

Jeonghan laughs. "I like you." He says. You look at him weirdly and he realises what he said. "Not like that! It's just... " He leans down, looking at Hansol as he whispers: "He's not used to rejection. It's nice to see someone stand up to him."

"Hey! I wouldn't call that rejection." Hansol says, still pink in the cheeks.

"Wouldn't you? I would."

"Like you know how to flirt."

"I know I can do better than a fanfic cliché."

"Well, technically, none of us can."



"Guys." You spot the director making his way over to your little group. The boys shut up and you all bow to him as he approaches.

"Okay boys." He says to Hansol and Jeonghan. He gestures to you with his hand. "This is the girl of your dreams. You both like her so, what do you do? You have a singing-slash-rapping-fight to win her heart. You know the lyrics and all, so both of you take her hands."

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