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Imagine for meangyu

This imagine was inspired by the kdrama Shut Up: Flower Boy Band. I definitely recommend it if you're into kdramas.
~ Lucy
You lift the bag of garbage higher over your shoulder. It's already making your back ache and you sigh in pain. You've been living alone in your rooftop apartment for a few months and you've been doing alright. Though you've had to take up way too many part time jobs to keep up with rent.

You finally reach the bin and you attempt to lift the heavy bag into it. You lean back and lift with your arms but the bags weight proves too much for you. You start to fall backwards and, as you open your mouth to scream you feel strong arms catch you.

You drop the bag and turn your head only to be met with a chest of boy. You lie back in his arm, his hand holding your waist to support you. The other hand holds your back.

"Whoa! Watch it there, girl." The voice is deep and seems more annoyed than concerned. You look up to see your neighbour, Seungcheol who lives in the apartment opposite to yours. You didn't think much of him, as he was always so smug and cocky.

You push yourself out of his arms and turn to face him, your face burning red with embarrassment from falling.

"Ah! Get off me!"

"Hey, you would have fallen if it wasn't for me! And look you spilt trash everywhere." He gives you a cocky smirk. You glare at him.

"Still, I didn't need you to 'save' me." You reply.

You look down and see the bag open and various packaging and plastic bottles littered everywhere. You give him a look and sigh. You crouch to start picking up the litter. Above you, you hear him sigh and crouch down next to you.

"What are you doing?" You say to him, perhaps a little too harshly. He looks at look an unreadable expression on his face.

"Look, my heart isn't made of stone. I'm giving you a hand. Now come on, I don't have all day."

You nod again and carry on picking up the various packaging and plastic bottles. You reach out for a empty bottle of Coke. A split second later his hand lands on top of yours and stays there. His hand feels warm and smooth. You look up to see him looking at you. Your eyes meet for a second. His dark chocolate eyes look right into yours and you feel yourself turning even redder.

"You okay? You seem really warm." He says. He pulls his hand away and stands up. The bag is now full again and all the litter had been picked up

"I'm fine. Thanks for helping." You attempt to pick up the bag but find that its still too heavy.

He sighs and takes the bag from you.

"Let's me do it. It's amazing how one small girl can have so much trash. Do you have a boyfriend, Y/N?" He says as he puts the bag in the bin. You gape at him, completely shocked.

"Um, no. How did you come to that conclusion? And how do you know my name anyway?"

"I just thought you might have company over a lot to have so much stuff. And I've heard your friends call you that on the rare occasion they come over. We are neighbors ,you know."

You don't say anything and you both start to walk back to your apartments. You end up walking together, but you can't really complain about it. He did stop you from falling after all, you should be grateful.

He walks quite close to you, his hand gently rubbing over yours as you walk. You stand apart from him a little.

You arrive at the stairs that lead you to your room. One leads up to his and the one opposite leads up to yours. He suddenly stops and turns to you.

"Why do you resent me so much Y/N?" He asks, out of the blue. You sigh.

"You just seem so full of yourself all the time. It's really annoying."

He sighs and runs his hand through his hair. He looks up at you a sudden excited expression on his face. You had never seen him excited before, and you decide that the expression suited him better than cocky.

"How about you come up to my place? Then we can get to know each other and you can see I'm not actually who you think I am."

"Um... Okay." You say. You can't really turn him down when he looks so excited about it.

He pulls you up the stairs and into his room. At first, you stand around awkwardly not really knowing what do to. But he starts talking and eventually you feel comfortable around him. You sit on the sofa. He makes you food and joins you asking you millions of questions about your social life and hobbies. He seemed really interested, looking right at you, his eyes wide. He tells more jokes, making you laugh. He seems to be a completely different person, no longer cocky and smug, but sweet and even cute. You feel yourself liking him and regret being harsh earlier. You wanted to become closer to him. You wanted more...

The laughter and jokes stop and you both sit in silence for a moment.

"You have a beautiful laugh, Y/N." He says his voice suddenly quiet. "How did I end getting to know someone as interesting as you?"

You shrug not really taking him seriously.

"Sometimes, you just need the perfect moment." You reply.

You meet his gaze and you see him smiling, his eyes full of affection. You smile back. You decided that you really liked him. Your gaze wanders to the window where you see its dark outside. You gasp and check the time.

"Oh, its late. I have to go!" You get up and start heading for the door.

"No, wait!" He gets up and grabs your arm pulling you toward him.

"There's something I have to do first." He says quietly. You wait, expecting him to kiss your cheek or something, like in the movies but all he does his take your hand and lead you out the door. You can't help but feel disappointed. You thought he liked you.

Once outside he guides you around the side of the apartment, to where a ladder leans up against it. He lets you go and starts climbing it.

"Up here, Y/N! I promise you won't regret it." He says, once he's up.

You climb the ladder but you're suddenly gripped with fear. You didn't realize how high up the roof was.

"Seungcheol... I need a little help." You say, feeling pathetic.

He walks over and grabs your hands. In one movement he pulls you up and wraps his arms around you, to support you. You hold his shoulders and he smiles down at you. He let's you and walks over to the center of the roof.

"Look at the view, Y/N. Look at it and imagine what it must be like to be a bird, or in a plane and to see all of it at once?" He says. His voice sounds wistful.

You walk over and stand next to him. You look at all the twinkling lights and sigh. You smile and wonder where this side of him has been hiding this entire time.

"It's beautiful." You whisper, but you still feel kind of disappointed that this is all he wanted to show you. You turn to look at him and he turns to look at you at the same time. He smiles and stands directly in front of you. He notices your expression.

"What's wrong?" He whispers

"Nothing... I just wanted something different... I don't know, I'm being stupid.

"What did you want?"


The word comes out before you can stop it and you feel pathetic. What an incredibly cheesy and stupid thing to say. You grimace and try to turn your head away but he stops you by putting his hands on your cheeks. He tiles his head and presses his lips to yours. He deepens the kiss and you put your hand in his hair.

The kiss ends and he pulls back. He grinning cockily, a shadow of the person he was before, but this time.... you liked it.

"If it's me you want its me you can have." He grins and leans in, kissing your forehead. He puts his forehead against yours and strokes your cheek with one hand. When he speaks, his voice his quiet and loving.

"Sometimes you just need the perfect moment..."

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