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Imagine for @Hanyeol123434

You were watching TV in the apartment, you share with your boyfriend, The8. Or Minghao, as you call him. On the TV, was a re-run of one of your favourite comedy programs that you've watched so many times that you practically knew all the words.

It was raining outside and you were cozy under your soft blankets having a lazy. However, it would have been better if Minghao was there with you. He's currently practising a new dance with the performance group. You miss him so much, you've hardly seen him these last months. He's been practising and going all around the country with the other members of Seventeen. Days like this you miss him and his hugs on the sofa.

You were nearly falling asleep on the sofa when the phone rang. You sighed and brought the phone to your ear. There was a lot of laughter on the other end and you realised it was Minghao with the others.

"Hey! Y/N! Well there's a funny story. I actually forgot my lunch today, do you mind dropping it off at the practise room for me?" The hopefulness clear in his voice.

You sigh and roll your eyes, "sure I'll be over soon."

"Thanks, I love you." He says.

"Yeah, Y/N! We looovee yoooouuu!" You heard Dino, Hoshi and Jun joking in the background.

"Guys cut it out- ah- sorry about that. I'll see you later. Bye." He laughs which brightens up your rainy day.

You sigh as you get up from the sofa and turn off the TV. You walk over to your fridge and see that Minghao had left his lunch there. You grab it and go to your car. You arrive at the practise room in a matter of minutes.

You walk up the stairs and hear the music blasting through the speakers. You got closer to the door and watched through the small window. The boys were doing freestyle dancing. It was really good, amazing even. Hoshi started it off and then Minghau pushed him a side and started b-boying. He was doing really good until it came to the back flip. He landed hard on his side and you took a sharp intake of air. You push the doors open, drop his lunch and run over to him lying on the floor.

"Minghao!" You whisper breathlessly.

"Ugh" he groans and tries to roll over.

"No don't try, you idiot. I'm going to call an ambulance." You reach for your phone.

"No don't I'm fine, look-" He gets up slowly and sits down in one of the chairs, groaning quietly.

"Are sure your alright?" Hoshi says as he pats his back and Minghao winces, but nods. "I think you should take the rest of the day off."

"No, I'm fine-"

"Are you serious?" You ask dumbfounded. "You can hardly walk!"

"I agree with Y/N, your in obvious pain. You should take the day off." Hoshi says sincerely and smiles. "Fighting!"

Minghao just nods and you help him get off the seat. You help him into the car and into the apartment and lay him on the sofa, where you had been lying a few minutes ago.

"Are you sure your alright? You fell pretty hard. Do you need anything?" You worry, being the cautious girlfriend you are.

"The only thing I need right now, is you. I want to cuddle!" He opens his arm and makes a pouty face that you couldn't resist. You laid down next the Minghao and pulled the blankets around the two of you. His arms were wrapped around your waist and his face was buried in your hair. You could feel his breathe on the back of your neck. You shivered.

"I miss this. I miss us." Minghao says quietly in your ear.

"What do you mean?" You whisper back.

"I miss being around you. I miss holding you like this. I just want some more time with you, like we used to have."

"Hey! Don't be like that! Being in Seventeen is the best thing that's ever happened to you! Don't disrespect it. Anyway, it's not like I've gone anywhere. I'm always going be here waiting for you, no matter what. Just enjoy the time we have together." You look at him lovingly.

"Ah! I'm sorry. I love you, Y/N. Thanks for looking after me, I could get used to it." He smirks playfully.

"Well, don't." You slap his arm and kiss his nose.

"Hey, hey, hey! A little lower." He smirks and you peck his lips. "Now that's something I could get used to."


You spend the rest of the day cuddling and watching the re-runs of your favourite comedy show. A dark day had suddenly brightened up.

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