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Imagine for aestheticnamjoon

You stand in front of the mirror, absolutely terrified. You check your hair for the millionth time and dab some more make up on your face. Maybe they would leave you alone today. Maybe they won't find anything to say.

You walk to school, constantly looking over you shoulder. They occasionally follow you, throwing pebbles or bits of food to annoy you. But today they seem to be late again. You breathe a sigh of relief and walk into the main building of the school.

"Hey, stupid!"

You turn around in the middle of the corridor to see all four of them sneering at you. You turn back and walk away quickly but you hear them running toward you. Luckily, the bell rings and everyone rushes in from outside. You walk into your homeroom and escape them. This time.

You're the first one in as usual and you watch the rest of your class walk in. You wait for him and as usual he walks in bright and early. Lee Chan. You've had a crush on him for as long as you can remember and your stomach fills with butterflies everytime you see him.

As he walks in he smiles at you and you smile back and try to keep from blushing. You expect him to walk to the back of the room where his seat it but he stays infront of you.

"Hi." He says.

"Uh, hey." You reply, cringing at your awkwardness.

He opens his mouth to say something, but then one of them walk in. She takes one look of the situation and her face breaks into an evil grin.

"Oh look, Y/N's got a boyfriend. Could do better, Lee Chan, you deserve a less ugly girl at least."

She batters her eyelashes at Lee Chan and bites her lip. Lee Chan gives her a glare in return but doesn't say anything. He gives you a sympathetic smile and they both walk to their seats as the teacher walks in.

Break comes around and you're the first to leave, in hopes of avoiding them at least for a while. But they still catch up to you and they corner you in the middle of the yard, where nobody can see.

"Well, well, well where are you going? Come here a play with us." One of them calls out, smirking at you.

"Yeah, Y/N what's wrong? Don't you like us?" Calls another, pulling a pouty face at you.

"Please, leave me alone." You beg and they all laugh.

"Oh God, who did your make up, a clown? You look disgusting." Says one, dropping the act.

"Ugh and your hair. I feel sorry for it, having to be on someone as ugly as you." Says another and she pulls your hair, messing it up.

They all start to close in, laughing and calling out insults. You can't stop the tears that well up in your eyes. They all laugh.

"Oh lord she's crying. So pathetic." They start to laugh harder when someone comes around the corner.

"Hey, what's going on here?!" You look up to see Lee Chan looking at the scene with a horrified expression.

"Hey Lee Chan! You're here to rescue your little girlfriend?" They say, turning on him.

"How can he? He's just a little squirt."

"Yeah! What you gonna do Squirt?"

The words don't effect him as he stares defiantly back at them. But you still feel the need to stop them from saying stuff to him.

"Stop! Please, just leave him alone!" You beg.

"Y/N, let me handle this." He says firmly but gives you a reassuring smile.

"Leave her alone. Do something else with your time, like taking pictures of yourself." He says and they all glare at him.

"Why should we leave her alone? She's quite fun to hang around with." The leader says, sneering.

"Leave. Her. Alone. Or do you want your boyfriend to find out about the guy next door?" Lee Chan says, smiling innocently.

The words take immediate effect, as the blood drains from her face.

"How- how did you know about that?" She asks, her voice shaking.

"Doesn't matter. Point is, he will find out unless you leave Y/N alone. For good." Lee Chan replies.

"That's blackmail." Her friend says.

"Well, what you're doing to her is bullying. And I'm pretty sure you don't want people to find out about-."

"Alright! Fine. We'll leave her alone." The leader says and she indicates to the others to leave. They all walk away and you're left alone with Lee Chan. You still feel shaken and you can't believe the torture is finally over.

"Than- thank you so much. I can't even begin to tell you how thankful-"

He interrupts you by walking over to you and wrapping his arms around you, holding you close. He strokes your hair with one hand.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"I am now." You reply.

"They're wrong you know."

"What do you mean?"

"You're not ugly. Not even close. And in my opinion ugly doesn't even excist. You're beautiful okay? Don't ever think you're not." He whispers to you. You feel a couple of tears escape.

"Thank you. You're not so bad yourself." You say in an attempt to lighten the mood. He lets you go, laughing.

"Thanks." He says.

You both stand there together in silence, not sure what else to say. You hear the bell ring in the distance.

"Oh, we gotta go." You say.

"Wait! Um listen, you would tell me if they ever did it again wouldn't you?"

You hesitate to answer before you come to a decision.

"...yes. Of course I would."

"Good." He says.

He walks up to you and strokes your cheek with one hand. He leans in and gently kisses your forehead.

"I'll keep you safe. From everything. You can count on that." He says quietly.

"Thank you." You say and he smiles, starting to leave. You finally get the courage do to something you've wanted to do for a long time.

"Hold on." You say and he stops and turns toward you, looking curious.

"Um, would you maybe want to go out sometime? Like this Friday? I don't know it's-"

"Hell yeah." He says. "Uh I mean, yes I'll go out with you. I'm glad you asked, I didn't have the courage too." He smiles sheepishly. You both start to walk to class, scared of being late.

"Really? You had the courage to blackmail some bullies but not to ask a girl out?" You say, but you smile at him.

"I guess I'm more of a coward than a night in shining armor."

You grab his arm and kiss him gently on the cheek.

"Well, you're a night in shining armor to me."

He smiles back at you. He puts his hand on your cheek and presses his forehead against yours.

"That's good enough for me."

Okay, so I know that bullying can be a touchy subject and I really hope I haven't offended anyone by the way I presented it. I've never been bullied so I don't personally know what its like. What I wrote here is what I've read in books and stuff. I'm sorry if I have offended people, it wasn't my intention.

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