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Imagine for wonwoosfoxeyes

You sit in the dorm and the boys are really hyper. They are bouncing about, excited for their fansigning the next day. They all talk loudly about tomorrow and how many fans they think will turn up. You feel a little annoyed as you try to study.

Eventually the noise gets too distracting and you get up and walk out the door.

"Hey, Y/N where you going?" Calls Wonwoo.

"Just out. I'll be back soon."

"Ah okay, stay safe!" He carries on talking to Mingyu and you smile as you walk out.

You've been friends with all of Seventeen for a long time and you're extremely proud of how far they've come. You usually go to the fan signings with them so some of the fan recognize you. Its a really weird experience.

You walk outside the door. The evening air is crisp and you shiver. You're wearing a jacket but its thin and you still feel cold. The sun is setting and the sky is orange and blue.

You wander to the nearby park and head straight for the swings. You sit on one and start swinging. You swing as high as it can go and laugh out of sheer enjoyment.

"Having fun?"

You nearly fall off of the swing at the sound of his voice. You slow down, breathing heavily. You turn your head to see DK standing there, laughing at you.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack!" You say as you glare at him.

"I seriously doubt that." He replies. He stops laughing but still smiles at you.

"Yeah, well I could have fallen off." You say but he only laughs in response.

"Can I join you?"

"Yeah, sure."

You sits on the swing next to yours and starts to swing. You join in and soon the both of you fight to be the highest one. He ends up beating you and you both laugh as you slow to a stop.

You both sit there looking at the sun when you decide to make conversation.

"You excited for tomorrow?"

"Of course! I always love meeting the fans. You're coming too right?"

"Yes, I always try to. Its so weird, though, that they recognize me."

"Well, you are our friend, Y/N... And we care about you."

You look at him only too find that he is already looking in your direction. He smiles at you again but its more of an affectionate smile. For some reason, you feel your heart flutter as you catch his gaze.

"I care about you guys too, a lot."

"Listen, Y/N, this is going to sound weird but... Do you like anyone?"

You stare at him while he looks at the ground. You're surprised at his question but you decide not to answer it right away.

"Why do you ask?"

"I just noticed that you're close to some of the others, especially Wonwoo... I guess... I mean, I just assumed, well you know."

You laugh and smile at him. He looks at you but he's not smiling back.

"I don't see Wonwoo in that way at all. He's just my friend."

He doesn't say anything and continues looking at the ground.

"Hey, why don't we go for a walk around the park? The swings are getting kind of boring."

He looks at you and nods. You both walk around the lake that lies in the middle of the park. He seems back to normal, laughing and smiling. You catch yourself looking at him for weirdly long periods of time but you can't really help it. He just looked so cute. You remember his question from earlier and you decide that, all along it was him that you liked.

Your walk ends when you arrive at the swings again so you both head toward to dorm. The sun has gone down and the night is lit up with stars. You feel disappointed as you were hoping to have more time with him to yourself...

He suddenly stops you as you are about to walk in. He grabs your arm and looks right at you.

"You never answered." He says quietly.


"You never answered the question at the swings... about liking someone."

You think that this wasn't the right time to realize how close he was too you.

"It's hard to answer that question when... The person asking is the one you like." You whisper, already regretting it. You cringe, thinking that he can't possibly feel the same. You look down, avoiding his gaze.

You feel DK's fingers on your cheek, turning your head up. You meet his eyes and he leans in a little.

"The real reason I asked the question in the first, Y/N... Is to see who I would be competing with." He smiles at you.

"Well, trust me its not Wonwoo."


He pushes your hair out of your face and kisses your forehead, gently.

"So, I guess... You want to... To go out sometime?" You cringe again.

He laughs.

"Yes, Y/N... I would love to go out with you sometime."

He kisses you suddenly, catching you off guard. He pulls back and laughs at your surprised expression. His face lights up with excitement.

"Tomorrow is going to be really interesting."

You smile at the thought of all his fans knowing that his was going out with you.

He laughs again and you realize that no matter how dorky he sounded, it was the most amazing sound in the world.

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