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Imagine for cchanyeollie

You were doing homework while listening to your earphones. You were at the boys dorm and it was really loud, that was the main reason why you were using earphones.

The vocal unit were in the corner surrounded by beds trying to come up with new music. All you could hear was Woozi's voice telling them what to do and Seungkwan making sarcastic comments.

The Hip-Hop unit were doing Gods knows what, while laughing incredibly loud. Hansol was trying to push Seungcheol off of his chair for some reason and Wonwoo was encouraging him.

The performance unit, the unit your boyfriend Dino is in, are trying to come up with a new dance. However, they keep on arguing with each other.

You turned up the music on your phone. GOT7 were playing and you couldn't afford to miss any of it. You stared at your incredibly hard homework. It was chemistry, your least favourite subject. You've kept on re-reading the question over and over again. It probably doesn't help that GOT7 are blasting through your ears, but that wasn't the only thing stopping you from concentrating.

It was Dino and yours 1 year anniversary tomorrow and he hasn't asked you out on a date or anything. You were kind of worried that he'd forgotten. You didn't want to remind him because you didn't want to sound like the clingy type. You decided you should just leave it and it probably didn't mean anything, but it kept bugging you.

You sighed and stared more intently at your work. The song finished and it was quiet for a couple of seconds before the next song can on. However, in the those few seconds you heard Hoshi's encouraging voice saying,

"Go on, do it! What the worst that can happen?"

You ignored him and went back to doing your work, but you were interrupted by hand on your back. You eyes shot up and made contact with Dino's. He smiled slightly and you immediately smiled back.


"Hi, um, I- nevermind." He shook his head and tried to turn away but you grabbed his hand.

"No, what did you want to say?" You look up into his eyes. He looked really nervous which was unusual for him. Oh no, what if something was wrong? Something about us?

"Uh, well I have to ask you something..." He says and looks around to see everyone's eyes on him, "alone."

He grabs your hand lightly and tugs you into another room. He closes the door behind you and switches on the light. By now your heart was in your mouth.

"What is it?" You ask quietly preparing for the worst.

"Well it's our 1 year anniversary tomorrow and I was wondering if you wanted to do something, I don't know, like go out for a special date?" He spoke really fast and you weren't sure if you heard him properly.

"Is that it? Is that all you wanted to say? God you scared me! I thought you were going to break up with me!" You whack his arm with your hand.

"No! Why would I ever do that? I was just anxious that you'd forgotten and didn't really care about anniversaries. I didn't want to make a fool out of myself." He looks down at his feet. You surprised yourself by hugging him around his neck. He was just so cute.

"Don't ever be afraid to ask me something again! I'll never make fun of you! Well maybe sometimes, but don't take it to heart! Of course I'll go on a 1 year anniversary date with you."

"Oh thank God, I honestly thought you were going to say no. You're my first girlfriend and I want to do everything right."

"Well you've been doing a good job so far." You go on the tiptoes and kiss his cheek.

"Thanks Y/N, they say first loves never last but I have a feeling this one will last forever." He blushes and pulls you back into the other room.

"Ooooo how did it go?" Jun shouted from the other side of the room. He wiggled his eyes and everyone laughed. You had to remind your self why you were friends with these losers.

"We're going out tomorrow and it's going to be the best date ever so please do not disturb us!" Dino announces.

"Dino! Dino! Dino!" Seungkwan chants and soon everyone is joining in and Dino hides his head in his hands.

"I should have just asked you out straight away and then I won't be in this position right now." He sighs.

"Well that's your fault." You say and everyone bursts out laughing.

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