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Imagine for _chanchan00

You're lying on your bed, reading, in your bedroom. Your boyfriend, Lee Chan, though you call him by his stage name Dino, walks in and stands by the door.

"Hey, Y/N I'm going to practice now. Are we still on for tonight? The movie is gonna be awesome!" He smiles excitedly and you get up to hug him goodbye.

"Of course we are! You know I love our movie dates." You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him. You meant to give him a quick peck but he deepens the kiss. You smile while you kiss him and pull back. Your faces stay very close together and you see him smiling.

"Hey, don't you have somewhere to be?"

"Yeah but suddenly I don't feel like going." He says stroking your hair. You pull away a little more, but you laugh.

"C'mon, you know Coups will kill you if you don't go to practice."

"Alright, alright I'll go." He lets you go but gives you a quick kiss.

"See you later, you goofball." You say, grinning.

He grins in reply and leaves. You go back onto your bed to continue reading. A few minutes in your phone buzzes. You grin, thinking its Dino but when you look you see that it is your old best friend from school.

"No way!" You grab the phone excitedly.

Hey, Y/N. Remember me? I was thinking we could meet and catch up. How about at 1 o'clock at Starbucks? See you.

You text back immediately. You were exremely close to him but your friendship faded away after school ended. You were eager to see him again.

Yeah, of course! I look forward to seeing you again.

You check the time. 12:30. You have half an hour to get ready. You get ready excidedly and you think back on your time with him at school. You laugh at the pranks you used to pull. You shake your head at your immaturity.

When 1 o'clock comes around, you leave the apartment and walk to Starbucks. You see him sitting at an outside table and you wave. He waves back, grinning at you. As you come closer he stands up.

"Y/N! It's been so long! How have you been? What you doing at the moment? Tell me everything!" He babbles. You laugh, you've always loved his adorable personality.

You both sit down and order some coffee. You talk about Dino and Seventeen and he seems very happy for you. You talk for hours and soon you have to leave the café. You go for a walk around town.

"Let's go in here!" He says when you pass a nearby shop. He grabs your hand and pulls you in. You let him hold you hand, not thinking about how it must look. You just assume he's being friendly.

The evening comes along and you both decided to go to the park. You walk along the path that circles around a lake.

"Y/N, I have a question. How serious are you and this Dino guy?"

You feel quite suspicious of this question but you decide not to ask why he's asking it. No reason to get concerned, its not like he likes you like that. Right?

"Quite serious. I mean I love him and he loves me. I think..." You say.

"You think?"

"Well he hasn't actually said that he does... But that doesn't mean anything. He does. I'm sure he does." You start to feel quite worried and your friend looks down at you.

"I'm sure he does." He takes your hand to reassure you. He continues to hold you hand as you walk back to your apartment.

"Thanks... For the day out and everything."

"Anytime." He reaches down and hugs you goodbye. You hug him back.

"Y/N? What are-." You pull back to see Dino, coming around the corner and stopping sort as he sees you hugging your friend. He stands there in complete shock.

"Who- who is that?" His voice is quiet and shaky. You feel mortified at his tormented expression.

"Dino! This isn't what it looks like." You cringe at how cliché that sounds but its true. You know you need to tell him who he is but in your panicked state you can't get the words out. All you want to do is reassure Dino.

"What is it then?" His voice breaks and you see his eyes well up with tears. Its absolutely shatters your heart.

"Dino! I-." He shakes his head and runs away, presumably before he starts to cry. You start crying as well and run after him, completely abandoning your friend.

You catch to him and grab his arm. You both stand under street lamp, on a street corner, in the dark. He turns to face you and you see tears down his face. He wipes his eyes, clearly frustrated.

"How could you do this to me? I thought we were together! I thought that... That you loved me."

"I do! I do love you, believe me, I do."

"Then why were you with him? We had a date tonight... Did he seem like a better option to you?"

"No! He's just my old friend from school we were just catching up. There is nothing between us, there never has been."

"Friend? I don't think he sees you like that, Y/N." He stares at you, as if that was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Maybe and if he does I didn't see it. Because I don't care if he does or not I only care about you."

Dino just looks at you. He's not crying anymore but you are terrified that you might lose him. He looks at your crying face and hugs you tightly to him.

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too. You and no one else and you know that."

He pulls back and leans his forehead against yours. You finally stop crying when you see his smile.

"Yes I do. And I also know that you would never cheat on me."

"Well, good. Because I never will... So yeah." You say. He laughs.

"You are so awkward. It's amazing."

You laugh with him. You feel so glad that he's okay and back to normal.

"Now don't we have a date to get to?" You say, smiling adoringly at him.

"Yes but... If I'm honest I'd rather watch a movie at your place. Much more cozy."

"Awesome idea. Let's go."

You walk back around the corner to your apartment. You were glad that your friend had the sense to leave. It would be way to awkward if he stayed.

You spend the rest of the evening cuddling on your sofa with Dino falling asleep on your shoulder.

He is such a goofball.

But he is your goofball.

Seventeen ImaginesOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara