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Imagine for hungrylashton and cchanyeollie.

You walk the streets in the middle of the night. The street lights are bright and you can see everything around you so you're not too scared.

You stare down at your phone, smiling at a text your friend sent you. You bump into someone and you immediately fling your head up to apologize.

"Sorry! I didn't mean too-"

You see his face and you are temporarily frozen as you notice how incredibly good looking he is. You feel immediately embarrassed from staring for way too long for it to be sociably acceptable.

"Oh, um, uh...."

He laughs and his entire face lights up.

"Don't worry about it. Sorry." He shakes his head but smiles at you. He carries on walking towards he was going. You stand there watching him. Damn. He really was cute.

You look back down at your phone, about to text your friend back about the cute guy when you see more people ahead of you.

You hear catcalling and you put you're guard on. Just ignore them you think to yourself. They're just idiots.

But you already feel terrified. To make it worse you hear loud footsteps behind you, walking fast. You speed up but you know they are faster.

"Hey, girl why don't you join us?"

You realise that your sped up walking led you to the group of idiots in front of you.

They block your path and the guys behind you grab your arms and cover
your mouth with one big hand. You panic and try to scream and buts hold onto you tight. You hear them laugh in a sickening way. God knows what they want to do to you.

They drag you into a blacked out alleyway and you squirm. The hand comes loose and you let out a scream. You hit your forehead on the wall in front of you but you barely feel it.

"Shut up!" You hear one of them say.

But then you hear a thud from behind you and your captor. One of his friends was hit by something. You hear more thuds and you see them go down one by one. The one holding you let's go and attempts to fight their attacker. He gets taken down easily.

You back up against a wall breathing hard. You squint in the faint light to see who had attacked them.

"Are you okay?"

You recognize that voice straight away. It's the cute guy from earlier! Except now he looks less kind and more.... Terrifying. His eyes are filled with anger and slight concern for you.
Your voice shakes when you speak.

"Ye-yeah. Um, how di-did you know I was here?"

"I heard your scream. I'm Mingyu by the way."

"I'm Y/N. Um, did you hurt your hands?"

"A little. It was worth it though. They deserved it. Disgusting people."

His voice turns menacing, scaring you further.

"Ple-please stop talking like that." You whisper.

He looks up at you in alarm. His face softens again and walks up to you. He stands extremely close.

"I'm sorry." He whispers.

This was probably the worst time ever to think of how nice his voice sounds. Your own voice stops shaking.

"Thank you. For all of that." After all he basically saved your life.

He smiles down at you kindly.

"You're welcome. Let's get out of here."

You both walk out of the alleyway and into the light street. You see his face clearer and it doesn't look hurt at all. But when he sees you he gasps.

"Your head..."


You lift your fingers to your forehead and pains darts through you. You have a small amount of blood on them. It surprises you. You didn't feel it before. You vaguely remember hitting your head against the wall when you managed to break free from them and screamed.


"Here. Let me." His arm curls its way around your waist and bring you closer to him. He gets a tissue out of his pocket and dabs at your head. His hands are gentle and he looks extremely worried for you.

He let's you go and you feel disappointed. You were really starting to like this guy.

"Let me walk you home. It's apparently not safe on the streets." The anger in his face returns but only for a second before it is replaced by a small smile. You return it.

You both walk together in the light of the street lamps and the bright moon overhead. You feel completely at ease with him, as if you weren't just attacked. He talks about his life and his favorite colours and animals, obviously to try and soothe you. It works. His voice is so gentle and you cannot believe that earlier he scared you so much.

You talk about your life too and his eyes light up with interest. Its very nice to have someone care so much about your boring life story.

You arrive at your house much too soon and you really feel like staying with him longer. You turn to face him and find that he is standing very close to you again, just like in the alleyway.

"Tha-." You start to say before he pulls you into a hug. You stand there shocked.

"Please try to be more careful. I'm going to start worrying about you now." He whispers into your hair.

"I'll try." You whisper back.

He pulls away from you but keeps his hands on your waist. He has a thinking kind of expression.

"Hmmm. Maybe I should see you again. Just to make sure you're alright." He smiles in a slightly cocky way.

You stare right back.

"Oh I see. That's how you get all the girls. Save them from a bunch of idiots."

"No... Well maybe only the very special ones." He says quietly. He closes his eyes and kisses the top of your head.

"And you, you are very special... "

Seventeen ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang